• The Truth Behind Siblings

    By Karen Vazquez AKA Loner

    The word “sister”
    Brings cold chills down my spines
    The awful memories of my tortured life

    Outside the walls of our “wonderful” home
    She seems like a jolly girl
    Nice to everyone around

    Inside the dungeon of doom
    The devil shows her true self
    Screaming like a banshee

    Leave her alone for a minute
    You’ve brought a monster to yourself
    The parasite eating away your property

    She screams and yells
    A spoiled brat
    A dumbass of a sister

    The ogre never learns her mistakes
    She kills everything I hold dear
    She says hurtful words

    I talk back and hit back
    I can’t stop her
    She’s an uncontrollable killing-machine

    The most painful thing is
    I love and hate her
    These mixed emotions kill me slowly

    I don’t think I can last long
    She’s killing me
    The werewolf she is; clawing my heart

    She doesn’t care though
    Always wishing me dead
    I can’t survive her inhumane torture

    So before I die
    I have one thing to say
    “I’m sorry and I love you.”