• In this world we life everyday, we try so hard somwtimes we try so hard and think is it worth it?
    Depending on people´s situation things can be different...
    For example a dad searching for a son a mother looking for a lost child.
    Life in this times can get so frustrating...o.O
    no one likes to loose anything a hope a wish a love nothing
    I know it´s a damn cold world that seems like no one care ¡s at all.
    All i the bull I see on t.v most of the time is devastating and 50% not true.

    Anyone gonna help me?
    how can I move on? What will I do? Is this worth my time? Will i ever be happy?
    At some point we ask ourselfs this we dont know how or when...
    we arent sure of what tommorow will bring our way.
    But whatever it is that life wants to through at me I will welcome it....
    anything bad or good this is lfe
    As my dad said to me ¨live life dont let it live you¨
    his right I knwo so many different storied from people I know^^
    They think thy are not gooe anough or worhtless but that´s not true
    No matter what may have happend no one is worthless just different and special^_^
    I believe in a secons chance in finding what you lost long ago..is hard as hell !
    I know someitmes everything seems hopeless! Like you wont ever be happy out feel as if you were in a endless black hole as your soul starts to die and your life vanish..but don´t try to act like oyu cnat hear that someone calling out to you yelling out your name ¨DON´T GIVE UP YOU CANT LEAVE ME! CANT YOU HEAR ME I LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT¨
    A frindly heand awaiting for you to hold so you can be ok now....
    a warm touch that burns all the bitterness and the ice inside you
    like an iceberg made by the past now being burned so that a better tommorow can begin now..
    I believe in one last hope no matter what we all cant give up nor can we think it´s all over we have to keep on moveing always
    I might be a fool for believeing this so be it but I know I can make it someday starting today xD watch me^_^

    Thanks for reading! xD it might not make sence not sure if its suppost to lol XD my message is dont give up alright no matter how desperate your situation may seem^^hang in there ^-^ ...
    sorry if I bored you but am really bored xD ^-^just shareing my ideas that´s all ^_^