• emo 15 Bloody Wounds emo

    We were apart again and this was when people said, “Hey you are giving her too many chances…” I scanned over my options without thinking it over my responses I could have agreed, but no I did what any boyfriend would do… I stuck up for you, “No, she is going through a tough time…” I would trust that she still loved me and we would be together. Then she was “confused” so she broke my heart the fourteenth time and I felt so betrayed. I could not deal with this feeling and I tried to ignore the pain but it is a vicious circle. The more I pushed past those feelings and the pain…more would be added and I could take the pain anymore! I took a razor and even though it hurts like hell I feel a relief as the blade pierces my skin. I love her I cared about her and I explained my feelings for her she says she feels the same but I DO NOT KNOW I LOVE HER BUT I AM IN A RELATIONSHIP!!!!!!