• this cold night
    its better than others
    but worse in a way
    the wind is howling more than ever
    i wonder what is love
    is it that feeling you get around someone
    or is it the hurt and pain afterward
    love is like a puzzle
    and i'm missing a lot of pieces
    i asked and asked
    but no one has the answer
    so i just sit in my room
    just thinking
    i count the rain coming down my window
    each one a mistake
    a lost soul
    i try and think about the good times
    like when me and my brother had the rope swing
    but what comes up comes down
    it broke and i bleed and bleed
    it didnt stop
    and then i thought about the bad times
    like when my brother was kicked out of the house
    he came home 3 days later
    so i lay there
    ''what should i do?''
    ''should i just end my life i dont like 2009 so far''
    just to think of it i hated 2008
    it sucked
    so should i
    i have the rope
    the window is open
    or should i use the tree out back
    my puppy piglet is outside my door
    should i keep my life for her
    or kill myself for my sins
    my wrist are bleeding right now
    the keyboard is red
    and yet i'm still am here
    i just lay there
    open wounded
    its like 1 in the morning right now
    i slept
    then i woke up
    its like 5 now
    i look outside
    its still raining
    its so sad
    all those people
    should i join them but then i realize
    i dont know how to tie that god damn knot
    so im still here
    and i will stay
    untill i learn how to tie that knot
    or get someone to tie it for me
    every time we touch comes on
    and i think of him
    asking myself
    what is love?

    Claudia E. Hitt