• Many nights I dream about you
    Your graceful movements so alluring
    Your aura as radiant as it had ever been
    Beautiful jade eyes piercing through my heart

    Oh how I would die to be looked upon one more time
    To be held in your arms, cradled in warmth and safety
    To have that kiss, that everlasting kiss that I have sinned
    Oh please, I beg, make me sin again!

    The seduction of your gentle touch, so pleasing, so cliche
    Burning embers ravage around within me as you stride by
    Oh, Cherie! How I wish you were mine!

    So many problems I’ve dealt with but you’ve discarded them
    Left them for the buzzards of hells 7th ring
    I sing out in joy every time you lay your head upon my lap
    Loving me every moment of your time, your life
    Loving a young, stubborn, reckless boy

    A boy who knows what it means to love
    A boy who was treated like no more than a child
    A boy who was accused of loving none but a sore
    After you it’s no one, no more

    I devote my love, my life, my sorrows and joys
    I dedicate my art, my expression, my writing
    I deduce what it takes to finally step up to the plate
    Self taught in more than just talent, but will and kindness

    Honor, respect, all traits to whom I am familiar with
    They make me who I am
    You love me for who I am
    They can’t accept me for who I am
    This is who I am
    And I’m proud to say

    I love you down to my very core
    And if loving is a sin
    I’ll see you at hells door