• After they left I was all alone.
    But because of you justice was shown.

    Your making this world a better place.
    And helping you help the world is the only

    I think I love you, and everything you do.
    And once you realize how much I can help
    You, I’m sure you’ll love me too.

    Some one I don’t think you can see
    Is saying I shouldn’t chase you, the
    Choice is up to me.

    I want to be assistance. And help you
    In everything you need.
    I know that following you good things
    Will lead.

    Everything is swirled and twirled .
    But with you here we can have a better world.

    I’ll go to the ends of the earth for you, would you do the same for me?
    I’d be anything you’d want me to be.

    I’ll pretend I don’t understand and act like a good little girl friend.
    But I don’t know how this will go. How much farther must I bend?

    I love you so dearly. Can we just live a normal life?
    I promise you, you won’t regret it, I’ll be the perfect wife.

    I know you’ll win in the end no matter who gets in the way.
    But till the end of this I’ll have to wish silently and pray and pray.