• What is Love?

    So you want to know?
    Or maybe many of you already know.
    Maybe you dont,?
    Many of us already have experienced Love.
    And it either ended up in pieces or, It never ended and you still keep loving your loved one.
    You know everyone has a different oppinion on Love
    What do i think of love?

    Its something that words can hardly explain, v_v
    Love is Amazing, BUT Only if You're in love with the Right person!
    and then Love can Be so ******** bloody painful When you are in love with the Wrong person, thats the WORST thing that could ever happen to you,
    Because you suffer like hell!!!!!! DX

    Love is

    When you Do possibly everything you can to make someone happy
    no matter what it takes, in love you dont really care about your self but the other one
    and thats what makes you happy to see him/her so happy, You dont really ask for anything beacuse all you ever wanted was him/her to be with

    When you feel like jumping out of your skin when you are around him/her cos it makes you so happy to be or talk to him/her every second of your life

    When your heart hurts at night because you cant hold him/her close to you cos you miss them so much

    When you day dream about him/her wondering what could he/she be doing hoping he/she is alright

    When you say "i love you" and you heart starts to beat so fast that it even hurts and you feel all tingly in inside

    When you do the most silliest things to make him/her laugh even tho it makes you look like a total idiot

    When you forgive him/her even tho they cost you so much pain and you still keep on loving them whatever they are sorry or not

    When you dont care what the person has done in the past and you dont jude him/her and when you love everything about him/her

    and all you ask from him/her is just 2 love you back

    I dont know if any of the people i have been in a relationship with ever really meant when they said that they loved me, ......
    And it always hurted so much when i ALWAYS found out later something , something that proved that they didnt love me, v_v

    You know there are times when i feel like i m just never going to find the person that will honestly love me

    But i Know that somewhere out there..there is someone who will love me and make me happy for the rest of my life.
    Maybe i should stop looking 4 him..maybe he is going to find me