• It's cold and damp
    Both the floor I am sprawled on
    And the tears that fall from my eyes.
    I have been rejected
    I have been forgotten
    My happy little spirit had known love
    And now that joyous light has passed
    Here I lay
    Alone and shivering
    Not from the cold
    but from the harsh sting of lonliness

    I wimper a high pitched tone
    Like the cries of a wounded puppy
    My chest heaves with sobs
    As my cracked, bleeding lips quiver
    And my heart wills itself to stop beating
    I am blinded by my many tears
    There is no feeling in my body

    Then I feel him

    I feel his coarse body
    His warm breath on my neck
    And I can feel his rough nose nuzzle me

    I wish I could pet his muzzle
    As he touches it to my cheeks
    I wish I could wrap my arms around his neck
    As he lays it over my chest to keep me warm
    Oh, how I desperately wish I could beat my wings
    Just as he does to drive away the sorrow

    He begins to sing
    Ah, such a sweet melody
    No voice can rival his
    How I long to join him
    I ache to hear our voices blend
    In an intricate ballet of colored sound
    There is no music in my heart
    When I am drowned in misery

    His talons scrap the frigid floor
    I see them glow in the dying light
    Like blades of finest silver
    That pierce the strongest steel
    Such weapons are not made to do bodily harm
    Rather they protect the hearts of those held dear

    'Poor little fledgling,'
    He whispers
    'Must you suffer such rampid fools?'

    I don't know how to answer him
    My voice won't rescue me
    He gives a light sort of chuckle
    His wings beat once more
    The sound of his heartbeat pulses in my ears

    'Well, little one, here I'll stay.
    He spoke with gentle, fatherly words,
    'By your side til the end of days.'
    And for once I have to smile

    I will never be alone
    In that room, in tears and in turmoil
    I need not suffer in devastation
    I need not hide my face
    My pet is there to love me
    To guide me
    To hold me
    When all else has turned to ash
    I turn to him,
    My mage
    My magician
    My ancient