• I'll start off with a note: dont lock me away like those bags and the notes. yeah the ones those girls gave you. Yea i kno ur little secret now, but i dont matter cause we're threw. My hearts not a bouncing ball, you cant toss it around. insted of turning it from shattered to dust, im sick im done stop touching my body in ways to try to keep me, you've used me im a toy to you. Not anymore, i thought that once i left you i could be happy, but spiraling depression grabed me Suicide was my life. Leave Me Alone!! You had me!! you broke me! So no more... My new love will protect me! But how come thers still that bit of sorrow... I hear my mom and Dad fighting, no mommy dont scream... Please mommy stop hitting... Why are you drunk mommy? Whyde you hit daddy with that glass vase? But words left no impact. Daddy why are you sleeping on the couch? Still no answer, Mommy Daddy why you yellen at big sister? Sister why your wrists bleeden? Why's there alchol on your breath? Im left with no answer... Suicide pherhaps? or maybe ill just start drugs to stop my pain... Auntie? why you crying? little nephew says, and all i can do is hold him, hearin the screaming, crashing, banging downstairs... locked in a dark room holden the cross round my neck prayin "God make it stop" this nights another to slit my wrists and take the drugs. Feelin more pain when the police come and ask why theres glass on the floor and cuts on Daddys arms... with stabs in the wall from that knife mommy held...And i ask once more...Mommy? Daddy? Why do you hate everything....