• I'm sick and tired
    Of all the things that I see
    Just shoved into the
    Poetry category.

    Your spelling is atrocious;
    Grammar is just a myth.
    There's not any punctuation
    Or even a capital to begin with.

    Let's start on spelling
    Because it's a big problem
    Whenever I see D's
    In the word "bottom."

    And when their and they're is confused,
    Don't get me started on two, too, and to.
    The worst of all if it is, though
    When I see "you" as "u."

    As for your grammar,
    I've nothing to say
    Other than if a verb is missing
    Something's gone astray.

    Don't mix tenses.
    It only makes me confused
    When I see future and past
    And present all equally used.

    Without a single period,
    Heck, even lack of comma,
    All you've done is created
    One big run-on.

    It doesn't make any sense
    When you don't capitalize the first of a line.
    Even worse than that is you don't value
    yourself enough to capitalize the word "I."

    Do you see a problem?
    And that's just the beginning.
    Just wait until we get into
    The rhythm and rhyming.

    A paragraph is not a poem.
    Please do not make it so.
    All it does is tell
    the lack of what you know!

    As for rhyming,
    I know not all poems do.
    But, please, get this into your head,
    Let me offer you a clue:

    Even if it doesn't rhyme,
    It should at least flow.
    That's where rhythm comes in,
    To make the poem go.

    Poetry is to be read
    Without any thought interruptions.
    Words should fly off the page
    Without confusing corruptions.

    Due to lack of time put in
    Or even thought, I dare say,
    That most of these were written
    A twelve-year-old's way.

    Without any effort put forth,
    Just to say you did it.
    I say you can do better!

    Get off of your lazy butts
    And write a GOOD line or two.
    I promise that it won't
    be the death of you!

    If you cannot take my critique
    Then don't even write.
    I'm sick of people complaining
    Whenever I give advice!

    It's not just the writers!
    I also blame the users
    Who say those who make these critiques
    Are nothing but losers.

    You guys, more than anyone,
    Really need to get a clue
    On what STANDARDS are.
    Here's my advice to you:

    Rate and comment
    On the high quality works,
    And ignore those
    Where the writers have shirked.

    Also, another little hint
    Don't you ever let topic,
    Or subject matter,
    Tell you how good it is.

    Because great works are great
    No matter what it's about.
    For those who think otherwise,
    Please get out.

    Well, I think
    that's all I have to say.
    I guess I'll rant to you all again
    On some other day.