• I never seen a boy like you and I will never see one again

    For I had this feeling when I saw you and i know its true love at first sight

    I know you will protect cause you are my knight in shinig amor

    I love you cause your eyes sparklys like stars in a dark night

    The way you smile just takes my breath away

    I just cant stand being far away from you. Do you like being away?

    Your voice is so wonderful I always cheer up when I hear it.

    I dont wanna throw a fit but why do I like you so much?

    Is it your looks? No not even close.

    Is it your eyes? No wrong again.

    Is it your smile? No wrong again.

    It will take you forever before you find out why I like you so much.

    You're such a moron!

    Its not your looks, your smile even though it brightens up my day when i see you smile.Its not even your pretty eyes.

    Its you personatily.

    Ya you heard me right.

    You light the way for me when its dark

    You make me smile every day.

    Just seeing you brightens up my day.

    Dont talk to me just kiss me!!!

    Kiss me like I will leave you forever which will never happen.

    I love you so much Loser. mrgreen