• You're my favorite fairytale
    Whispering tantalizingly
    Making me believe
    In things that will never come true
    Telling me
    That it'll be alright
    If I'll just hold on
    Crushing hopes
    And building them up higher than before
    Making me burn brighter
    Before smothering the flames
    But this is what I want
    So make me believe
    In things that will never come true
    Tell me it'll be alright
    Make me hold on
    Build my hopes up
    So you can crush them
    But build them up again
    And I'll forgive you
    Burn me brighter
    And no matter how many times you smother me
    I'll burn again
    So lift me higher
    No matter how many times you let me fall
    I'll still trust you
    So lift me up again
    And whisper tantalizingly
    My favorite fairytale.