• When you are 24 turning 25 in just a few months and still havenĀ“t found anyone yet.....

    I am sitting in a nightclub all alone... I feel alone, too old to even be in a nightclub. I should not be here. All I any to do is sit home alone. I have give up on find in my one true love,my soulmate....

    There is people dancing around me having funn when I am feeling so lonely. I try to look pretty, am I pretty?
    I order a drink to drown my sorrow ... its not helping.... still feeling lonely...

    I try to flirt, flicker my hair, wink my eyes, do something that someone would notice me but no hope... still alone....

    I should just leave and go to my home, cubble my blankets, hug my cat and have a strong drink.... accept my fate of being alone for forever. ...

    Do I have hope still left? Meaby a little grain somewhere deep inside my mind... I want to believe the dream of finding my special someone, my soulmate one day.... but right now I dont think that will ever happen.... my fate might be to always remain single, virgin....

    Tonight I accept my fate... someday I might not..... I take a few painkillers with my glass of vodka and forget my problems... to feel numb enought to sleep before waking up to this brutal reality tomorrow again....