my life is so boring, i wish there was something to break this repetitive circle... everyday its wake up, turn off the alarm, brush hair, wait for 7:20, wake up mom, get in car, pick up my friend, wait for the bus, go to school, learn nothing, go home get chewed out for not doing the dishes, reset alarm, sleep. every single day...like i wish that madby like one day i could skip school and go run around the mall with my friends and buy myself a new purple jacket and an owl necklace, and an XL mens sweat shirt to curl up in, and buy a good book and curl up in a warm corner and read it. or maby go on a trip to italy and go to florence and tuscany, then go to newyork and find my long lost best friend, and go to the top of the empire state building and paint the city....oh life is so hard. it doesnt matter if you have a simple boring life like mine, life is always hard. i feel like im constantly dragging my heavey broken heart behind me, and as if no matter how hard i try i cant be accepted, it seems like people just dont care about any kind of art, and no matter how badly i want it to be true....no matter how much i wish that i could find the one i truely love, and no matter how much i beg, my life just stays the way it is. i wonder if my life is even worth it, really, tell me if i were to die right here right now would you even care? who would care about the 14 year old girl with ADHD dieing? i try to think of the people who would care and i come up with nothing, i meen long lost friends, but they'v most likely forgotten what a true friend is. like my friend sara from 4th grade, we used to be like sisters i can still remember like yester day how we would walk out to the pasture behind her house and feed the horses the dew covered grasses that they couldnt reach from behind the fence. taking turns trying to beet the last level of Spyro the purple dragon. then she moved, i didnt see her for 2 years then i met her again in Jr. high and she had turned into a heroine junky, and she had been to rehab 4 times. and i keep getting these friends, their there one day then the next their just gone, taken from me...they seemed so nice then a year after i meet them their addicted to drugs and ruining their lifes. now im just scared to make a good close friend because im afrade they'll just get yanked away again and i'll end up getting my heart broked again...
Thoughts 7
Robotic Purple
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