• I live in this world. Where everyone alienates. Where no one truly LOVES. Where people tell 4 lies every 10 minutes. Where there is no SYMPATHY, only APATHY. Where there is no God only narcissistic assholes. Where we BOMB for PEACE and KILL for FUN. Where war is reality! War created by rich bastards who get bored, who use children as SLAVES and PURCHASE SEX. We cheat and steal. Our political leaders are SEMI-RETARDED KINDERGARDENERS who smile, nod, wave and sign papers ALL DAY. You don't see Stephen freaking Harper out there fighting the war!

    There is NO constant. NO reliability WHATSOEVER. We kill EVERYTHING. And laugh. We show no mercy. One day it will all come crashing down, and no one will give a damn about DEMOCRACY. SO FTW.

    I am an anarchist, atheist and evolustionist struggling to survive in this VERMIN INFESTED ROCK we call 'Earth'.

    I have gay pride despite being heterosexual. Piss me off and I'll break your nose. Or at least TRY.

    I alienate, discriminate, procrastinate, am matierialistic, and narcissistic, I'm a control freak, I lie and cheat and steal. I swear and drink and cut. I'm also a helluva hypocrite.