I’m running for my life threw a forest, I didn’t really know how I ended up here. I kept running until I got to a cliff, barely stopping before falling off. For some reason I needed to jump, but if I jumped it meant death, and losing the stuff I love. When I looked behind me no one was there, everything was silent, I didn’t even hear one noise, so why was I running? I looked in front of me and stared down, then suddenly, I was pushed off and start to fall towards my death.
I woke up breathing deeply and quickly turned on my light and looked around. I was still alive and was still on ground, which made me glad. I got up and rubbed my eyes, I was out of school now, looking for a good collage to go to. I went into my bathroom and put my contacts in, even though I don’t need them I want to change the color of my eyes. I walked out and opened my closet then took out some clothes and placed them on her bed. I walked back into my bathroom and turned on the shower then waited for it to heat up as I got undressed.
I stepped in and started to wash my hair then my body then just let the water hit me as I
thought. I wondered what would be happening to me, I just got out of high school and had no idea where my life was headed. I got out of the shower and wrapped the towel around me and went back into my room and stared out the window. I sighed and got up then got dressed and moved back over to the window and stared out as I opened the window. I scratched my head and stretched a little bit and rested my head against the wall as I stared at the moon slowly fade away as the sun came up.
I continued to stare out the window for a few hours until I got too bored and got up and went to my desk and opened my laptop. Once the clock said ten o’clock I got up and grabbed my car keys and left the house. I got outside and got into my car then drove off to a park, when I got to the park it was empty. I looked around as I stepped out of her car, usually it was full with kids. Once I was fully out of my car I closed my door and continued to look around. I saw a few other people, but they were my age, usually I was the only girl my age here. I leaned against my car and just looked around, as more people came. I started to walk off into the corner where a water fountain was, it was the cleanest since it was dark in the corner and no one could see it. When I got to the corner I felt someone wrap their arms around me and cover my mouth as I screamed. I started to kick around and get my arms free, but the person was stronger.
“Be quiet and be still and this will be pain less, but keep kicking you will meet hell.” A man said behind me. I kept kicking until I hit his knee as hard as I could and bit his hand and ran.
I almost got out, but a guy got in front of me and took me over his shoulder, “Let me go, let me down.” I yelled at him as he ran over to the other guy.
He put her on the ground as the guy covered my mouth, “Take her to the house, I guess she’s the trouble maker. I think she should get the chains.” he told the other guy.
He nodded, “Okay.” he said then looked at me. “Come on, your coming with us now.” He said then put me over his shoulder and put me in his truck. He went over to the driver’s side and got in the started to drive away.
I kept moving around and screaming as much as I could but I couldn’t talk because of the cloth he put around my mouth. I looked out the window and saw the other guys get the other girls my age. I moved my feet up and started to kick the windows, but they just wouldn’t break. I kept shaking my head and biting at the cloth until I got it off my mouth. Unfortunately by the time I got it off my mouth he parked the car and I knew I wouldn’t be able to run away. He grabbed me by my wrists and pulled me out of the driver’s door and didn’t care if he was dragging me. I tried to pick up my legs and walk a little bit so he wasn’t dragging me but I kept tripping and my feet just kept falling down.
He continued to drag me inside, I wanted to fight back but nothing seemed to work for some reason. He threw me into a room and walked in then closed the door he took a chain and connected it to my ankle. He walked out and left me in the door, I stood up and walked ahead until she was yanked by the chain. “What do you really think you’re going to do with me?” she asked him angrily.
The guy looked back at me, “What ever we want to do with you, that’s what.” He told me and turned back around walked to the kitchen. He grabbed a apple and threw it in the room, almost hitting me, then took out a frozen chicken and looked out the window. I followed his eye’s and saw that the other guys that was there drive up in the drive way. One of the guys walked in, that seemed like the leader, and went over to the guy that chained me up.
“So Maho, you get that girl all chained up?” he asked.
Maho pointed to me and nodded, “Yea, she gave me a little fight, but she wasn’t that hard.” he said then looked at me.
I looked at the other two guys bring in two more girls and I glared at Maho and the leader, “If you think I will obey, you are deadly wrong.” I said and walked over to the bed and sat down and began to tug at the chain.
Maho smiled, “So what are we going to do with her Richard?” he asked him.
Richard thought for a little bit, “Well we could do ransom, or just keep her here until someone notices she’s missing. But if no one does, you can use her for your games.”
Maho smiled, evilly, and walked over into the room and leaned against the wall by the door. “You will be mine soon, unless you still live with your parents.” he chuckled.
I got up off the bed and threw a punch at his face, but he caught my fist, “I will never, be yours, and you can’t do anything to make me yours.” I said and kneed him in the nuts. I watched him fall to the ground and I smiled.
Richard came in and shook his head at Maho, “Do you really think it would be smart playing around with the violent one?” he said more then asked and then picked him up by his upper arm.
I turned around and walked back towards the bed, Maho quickly moved to me and wrapped his arms around me tightly. “No one, does that to me.” he said then tried to kiss me. I turned my head and kicked his leg and bit his arm. “OW! She bit me.” He said and stepped back.
“Well if no one does that to you, I guess I’m a no one.” I said and sat on the bed then flipped the hair out of my face.
Richard shook his head, “Maho, just leave her alone for now, if no one wants her back for the money we want, she’s all yours.” He told him and grabbed his upper arm again.
“Wait.” he said and got out of Richards grip. “What is your name?” Maho asked me.
“My name is Destiny.” I told him just to get him off my back then looked away.
Maho smiled, “That’s all I needed.” he said and then walked out and went back into the kitchen and put the chicken in the oven.
I looked over at the apple he threw in and walked over and picked it up and went by the door and aimed it at his head. Once I knew the right spot, I threw it and hit Maho on the head. He turned around and looked at me with a glare.
“What do you want?” he asked angrily.
“I’m thirsty.” I complained and put my elbow on the wall and held my head so he wouldn’t tell my head was spinning.
“To bad.”
“But I’m really thirsty, I really need something to drink.” I whined.
“I don’t care, deal with it and shut up.”
“No, I won’t shut up, I’m to thirsty.”
“Fine!” he yelled and got a cup out and filled it with water then took it over to me. “Happy now.” He said sarcastically.
I smiled as he walked out then moved over to where the chain started on the wall and poured water on it. I knew that it would soon rust and that it would be easier to break so I could break free. She lightly pulled on it then looked out and saw all the guys going out to eat. I didn’t want to close the door because I knew they would think that I was going to do something, which I probably would. I silently watched them, glaring at each one, and tried to hold back my fear and tears. Why did they really want me anyways, there was nothing special about me.
Once they left I looked out the window in the living room and saw that it was already night time. I made sure that I didn’t hear a sound, and that everyone was asleep. I took the glass cup and dropped it on the floor then took the sharpest edge of glass and started to cut through the rusted chain. It was still on my ankle, but this way I could run. I knew they would find out, I just hoped that they wouldn’t come after me. I got up and ran, the chain that was still connected to me kept rattling. I just wished it wouldn’t wake up anyone, I ran out the door and looked around trying to figure out which way to go.
“I think she got out.” I heard in the background and turned around.
“Oh s**t.” I said shocked and started to run down the road and didn’t look back.
“I think I hear the chains outside, hurry.” The voice in the distance yelled.
“This is great.” I whispered to myself and ran faster. I started to hear their footsteps as they got out of the house and chase after me. As I ran I picked up the chains so they wouldn’t be able to hear it that well. I ran into the small forest and looked for the biggest tree, but kept looking back to see how far they were. I climbed up the closest, biggest, tree I could find and sat on a branch where they couldn’t see me. I stared down as Maho and one of the other guys, “Where did she go?” the guy asked as he looked around.
“I don’t know, just keep looking.” Maho told him and walked in a circle. I wasn’t paying attention to the chain so I let it fall out of my hand, which made it to jingle. Maho looked up and saw the chain appear out of the leaves, “She’s up there.” he said in shock then started to climb up the tree.
When I heard him my eyes opened wide and I started to climb down, but I made sure it was on the opposite side. When I saw him I almost lost my grip on the tree, but I did fall two feet before grabbing another branch. I took a deep breath and kept moving down until I was far down enough then jumped and landed on my feet and ran. I knew they would hear the chain rattle, but I also knew that they wouldn’t stop looking for me. What I did know is that they can’t run forever, but they could follow me, and there could be a tracking devise in the chain. I kept running until I got in town and just walked down on the side walk, looking in each store trying to find my friends shop.
Once I found it I ran in and jumped on the table and grabbed a hammer, “Help me get this off of me Sarah.” I said and banged on the chains.
Sarah looked at me then the chain, “What the heck happened?” she asked me.
“I don’t have time right now, just help me get this off.” I told her and banged as hard as I could.
Sarah grabbed another hammer and started to bang on it, “Hold on.” she said and held the hammer in my hand and put it aside then started to feel the chain. “This won’t work, its way to strong.” she told me then scratched the back of her head as she stared at the chain.
I sighed and looked at Sarah, “These guys are after me, I don’t know why but they are, they have two other girls. We have to do something about this, we can’t keep them out there, and I know they will keep searching for me. I need your help Sarah, and Violets too. Please, I need your help.” I pleaded as I got down from the table. I looked around only seeing the selves full with CD’s, guitars hung on the wall, pianos around on the floor, and a bunch of different interments on bookcases. “Where’s Violet anyways?” I asked her
Violet walked out from the back room carrying an alto saxophone case, “I’m right here.” she said and put the case with the others. “What do you need?” she asked and leaned against the counter.
“I need you two, to help me get these guys, but it might hurt us trying. Also, they were following me so they might be waiting outside.” I said the pushed my lips together
“You mean you led them here.” she yelled.
I went over to the window and looked out, “Their coming right now.” I told them as I walked over to them. “Please, they have two other girls.” I pleaded.
“Okay.” they both said together.
I smiled, “Thanks! Okay, Sarah do you still have those guns in the back room?” I asked her.
Sarah shook her head, “No.” she said and opened a drawer and pulled out three guns. “But I do have them in here.” she smiled as she laid the guns side to side.
I took one and put them on the inside of my jacket, “Okay, take one and put it somewhere they can’t see it.” I told them and looked behind me as they appeared and I put up my hood. “I have an idea, hurry up and follow my step.” I told them and kept my head down.
They both nodded and put the guns somewhere so they weren’t visible, “Their leaving.” Violet said.
I smiled, “Good, just as planned.” I said and turned around. “Follow me, just put your hoods up and walk behind me.”
They nodded and put there hoods up, “So what else is the plan?” Sarah asked.
“When I say run start running and make sure your hood falls off, and I know for sure that they will follow.” I told them. I walked out of the store, with them following me by my sides. I kept my eyes back at them until one of them looked back, “RUN!” I yelled and took off with Violet and Sarah. I looked behind us and saw them come after us, “No matter what they do stay cool.” I told them and kept running. I consistently looked back to see how far they were, they caught up a little every time. I looked back again and then was tackled down by Maho, with Violet by my side, then the other guy attacked Sarah.
Maho held hold of the chain on my ankle and held Violet’s hand’s that we’re behind her back, just like the other guy was doing with Sarah. They both picked us up and dragged us to the house, “You really thought you could get away little Destiny.” Maho mocked.
I glared at him, I wanted to take the gun out at that point and shoot him but it wasn’t the right time. “Well really, why would you want me back?” I asked and stared at him.
Maho gave me a evil smile, “You will soon know.” he said and jerked us through the door. “We don’t have any more rooms so you three will have to share.” he said and through me on the floor, but lightly let Violet go with a slight push. “Stevie put that one in with these ones.” Maho told him and stepped back so Stevie could put Sarah in the room. Once Sarah was in the room Maho slowly walked back in and stared at me. “Since you broke the last one we will have to put another one on you, so Richard put a new one in.” he said and pointed to the chain.
I looked at the new chain he pointed at then looked back up at him, “You really think chains can hold me.” I said and stood up then helped up Violet and Sarah. Maho left the room and I pulled them over to the bed, “We can’t do anything yet, we have to make it seem normal, all that I’m afraid of is them taking the guns.” I said and took a deep breath. “Hand me the guns, I’ll hide them.” I told them and waited for them to hand me the guns before putting them in the corner under the bed. I sat back up and looked at their faces, I didn’t really realize that Violet looked so scared, but then again she had the same look going on roller coasters.
I looked at Sarah, she was biting her lip a little bit, I could see a little bit of worry in her eyes but I wasn’t very sure. “I have no idea what they will do, fight back, if you’re willing to pay the prize, I already know that will happen to me.” I said and sighed then scratched the back of my head. I stood up and walked over to the door and Maho appeared, I jumped a little bit before looking up at him with a glare.
“You have to come with me right now.” he said in a commanding voice.
“I don’t have to do anything.” I said with a sassy voice.
“I don’t think you have a choice.” he said and lifted me over his shoulder and started to walk down a hall.
I kept kicking and screaming, “Let me down.” I yelled then tilted my head and bit into his back.
Maho screamed, “Damn it women, stop biting me.” he yelled at me and moved me back more and slapped my butt.
“Hey!” I yelled at him and continued to kick until he dropped me on a couch. I glared at him then looked around and saw the two other girls in the corners with cloth in their mouth and tears in their eyes, then the other guys standing around me. “So what do you think you’re going to do with me?” I asked them and crossed my arms.
“The reason we brought you here.” Richard said and took a drink of the whisky that was in his hand. “Well it was kind of a random thing but you’re here so you’re here.” he said drunk and almost fell over.
“He’s drunk so he can’t tell what he’s saying.” Maho said as he turned my head to look at him, but I whipped my head away. “You are here for a reason, we just believe you don’t deserve to know why.” he told me.
“Well, tell me this, why am I here, in this room?” I asked.
“We are here to give you your weekly whipping.” he smirked.
I glared at him as I uncrossed my arms and got up, “What makes you think you can really whip me?” I asked him as I crossed my arms again.
“I think we can do anything as long as we have you, we can do anything.” Maho said and signaled Stevie to hold me back and quickly did as ordered and put my hands against the wall. “Now that you’re tied up, I’ll tell you why you’re here.” he said then leaned against the wall and looked at him. “We know your father is head of a secret military base and has high influences throughout the US. So we planned on using you for ransom to smuggle in drugs, weapons, and immigrants that could make the small group billions of dollars a year. And we also plan to kill all the important politicians in the US and use your father influence to cover it up.” Maho told me and moved back, then swung the wipe back and slashed my back as I screamed.
I bit my lip then swung Stevie off of me then slid down the wall and I ran towards Maho with my fist in front, but he caught me by my wrist and stared me in my eyes. “I still don’t understand why you’ll do this, my father is as stubborn as can be.” I growled.
Maho didn’t reason and just kissed me, “Maybe I just love you.” he chuckled.
I pushed him off me and glared at him, “Right, if you really loved me you wouldn’t have kidnapped me.”
“Maybe I’ve tried to get your attention but you never paid attention to me.”
“Yea, right! And then why did you whip me?”
“Maybe it was just pay back for you not paying attention to me.”
“How do you even know me?” I snapped.
“From high school, senior year, I asked you out and you just ignored me and walked away.”
“So you were that dorky kid.” I said then laughed a little.
He slapped my face then held my chin to look at him, “I might have been then but I’m different now.”
“You are different, because now you’re a jerk.”
“Yes, but now, I’m a hot jerk.” he said and kissed me again.
I pushed him off of me again, “You might be hot, but do you think doing this will make me love you?”
“No, but I finally have your attention, so I plan on making you fall in love with me.”
“I will never fall in love with you.” I growled.
“I’m sorry, but you will if you like it or not.” he threatened.
“And how do you plan on doing that?” I asked.
“Lets just say I have my ways.” he told me then picked me up and cradled me in his arms then carried me out as I kicked around. “You won’t get free from me.”
“Oh yea, well that’s what you say.” I said then swung my head away.
He took me into the room with Violet and Sarah then dropped me on the bed. I glared up at him and put my hand behind my back and felt the slash in my shirt and blood dripping. As he left, after staring at me for a couple seconds Violet and Sarah looked at him with curiosity. “What happened!” they both asked at the same time.
I turned around and showed them my back, “Also, I think he loves me.” I said with no emotion in my voice.
Both of their mouths dropped, “Oh, my, god!” they both said in shock.
“I know.” I said a little bit in pain from the scar.
“Now, what did you mean by you think he loves you?” Sarah asked me.
“He kissed me.” I said and turned back around and looked at them. “And he told me that he loved me. He told me he was that dorky kid that asked me out, the senior year.” I told them.
“Wait, that kid with the glasses, curly hair, and fat.” Violet asked.
I nodded, “Yep, and he said, he is going to make me fall in love with him, even if I don’t like it.” I told them and blinked then a tear fell down my face. “How can I love someone that is torturing me?”
“Maybe he will stop, and start treating you like a girlfriend.” Violet said and stood up then looked out the door. Maho was waiting outside door like he was expecting me to come out, or was he listening?
“Maybe, just I don’t know how I can do this.” I said then remembered the guns under the bed. I sighed and shook my head a little bit, “I need a new shirt, and first ad, my back is bleeding like hell.”
Maho walked in and held out his hand, “I’ll let you go clean up.” he said and pulled me up once a gently put my hand on his.
“Umm, thanks.” I said and followed him out, still holding his hand, and he took me to his bathroom.
“So, if you still need something after you wash up, just tell me.” he told me.
I nodded then he left and closed the door, “This feels a little weird.” I whispered to myself. I started the shower and waited for it to heat up then stepped in and let the water hit my back. It was stinging me and I couldn’t move, without it hurting at least. I turn the water off and stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around me.
Maho walked in and looked at me, “Is there anything else you need?” he asked.
I thought for a little bit, “Well, I need a new shirt to wear, since mine is bloody and slashed.” I told him.
He nodded, “Okay, follow me.” he said and held out his hand to me. I nodded and lightly placed my hand on his and walked with him. He opened his dresser and pulled out a button up shirt and handed it to me, “Here, this should last you for now.” he told me.
I nodded and took the shirt and looked down for a few seconds then looked up at him, “I’m going to get dressed.” I said slowly then walked into the bathroom. I got dress, put everything I was wearing before back on, but instead of my shirt I put on his and stepped out. I kept my head down as I came out and had my bloody shirt in my other hand.
Maho put his arms around me and pulled me close, I dropped the shirt from shock, “You look beautiful.” he whispered in my eye as he held me close.
I put my arms around him and hugged him, I felt weird, he was really getting to me. When he let loose I looked up at him, “Can we talk, mean like, to get to know each other?” I asked him. He nodded and walked me over to the bed and let me sit down and I scooted back against the wall. He went around to the other side and sat down next to me and I looked at him, “If this was all just to get me to notice you, what are the other girls here for?” I asked him.
He laughed a little and scratched the back of his head, “Well, they were just so you wouldn’t be suspicious, one is my cousin and the other was Richards sister.” he told me.
I nodded, “Okay, now, why did you do all of this instead of just coming up to me again and asking me out?”
“Well,” he said and laughed, “I’m not really the one to do the normal thing.”
I smiled and he put his arm around me and moved me closer to him and my smile disappeared as I looked up at him. “Then we seem to have something in common, like I let you bring me back, instead of going to the cops.” I said then my smile reappeared.
Maho smiled at me then gave me a small peck on my lips, “Well I’m glad you did, but can I ask you, why did you?”
I laughed a little, “Well, I wanted to know what you wanted from me, and then once I found out, I was going to run away again.” I said, not wanting to mention the guns.
“Well, I hope you don’t try to run away, even though I will start treating you better.” he said and held my hand.
I nodded slightly and gripped his hand a little and stared into his eyes, “You really love me.” I said in a confused voice.
He nodded, “Yes, I do love you, I’ve been friends with your other friend Beth, and she has told me everything about you. Destiny, I really am in love with you.”
I didn’t want to believe him but something in his eyes told me it was the truth, and I would have to live with that. I moved my other hand and put it on the side of his face and gave him a small kiss then moved back and looked at the door. “I need to go to talk to Violet and Sarah.” I told him before looking back at him.
He nodded and smiled, “Okay, but I’m coming with you.” he told me and I nodded then got up. He got up and went by my side and held my hand, “I don’t want you to leave my side for a while.” He said as he looked down at me.
I nodded and looked up at him, “Okay, but what about my house, and where am I going to sleep?” I asked and walked out of the room.
“Well.” he said then paused, “I will have you live here, and you will sleep with me, we will also visit your house everyday to get your mail, so you can bring more clothes here.” he said then let go of my hand and put his arm around me.
I lightly nodded and moved closer to him as we walked and turned the corner and got outside of the room and looked up at Maho. “Can we have a little alone time, I’ll come out when were done.” I said and a sweet voice as he nodded and stepped to the side and I stepped in and closed the door. I tackled Violet and Sarah onto the bed and laughed then moved to the edge of the bed and stared at them with a smile on my face.
They both stared at me then looked at each other, “She’s in love.” they both said then looked at me.
“No I’m not.” I said then looked down and laughed a little then scratched my head. “Well, I might be, I mean, he is nice.” I said then looked back up at them and they were smiling.
“Well go to him, oh, and can we leave.” Violet whined a little.
I shook my head and laughed, “Yes you can.” I said then stood up and looked at him and took his hands. “My friends want to leave now, that’s okay right?” I asked him.
He laughed a little and nodded and looked at them, “Your free, you’re able to go.” he told them.
They both smiled and walked out of the room and left the house and started to walk back. I looked up at him and smiled, “Did you hear us in there?” I asked.
He smiled and nodded, “Yea, and I’m glad I did, so I don’t feel bad when I kiss you.”
“You mean like this?” I asked and went on my toes and kissed him passionately, and he kissed me back, then smiled as I went back down on my flat feet.
He nodded then lifted me off my feet and held me up and kissed me again then put me down. “I thought it would have taken more time, but I’m glad it didn’t.” he said and rubbed the side of my face with the back of his hand.
“Yea, usually I’m stubborn, but something is different about you.” I told him and put my hand down and held his hand. “So, will we be able to have our first date?” I asked him and giggled a little and put my head against his chest.
He put his hand under my chin and moved my head so I was looking up at him. “Yes, and since I know you like me, I can cancel the boring plans and we can do something fun.” he said.
I smiled and kept my eyes on his, “So, what do you have in plan?” I asked
“It’s a surprise.” he said and laughed a little as he covered my eyes.
I put my hands on his and moved it a little so I could see, “Then take me off price charming.” I said and smiled.
He put his hand down and bowed, “As you wish my princess.” he said then picked me off my feet and cradled me in his arms.
“Can you give me a hint?” I asked and kept my smile up as I stared at him.
He smiled and shook his head, “If I did it would be less of a surprise, now would it?” he asked back.
I shook me head, “No, but I want to know, can we go now?” I asked.
He nodded, “Fine, I guess we can go now.” he said and walked outside and opened the truck door with his right hand, holding me with his left. He lightly put me down on the seat and gave me a kiss then shut the door and walked around and got in. He turned on the car and backed up and headed to the place we were going to have our first date at. After a while we arrived at a go-cart race arena.
I smiled as I looked at him, “I can tell you don’t like the normal kind of movie and dinner, I’m glad.” I said.
He smiled and looked at me, “I’m glad you like it.” he said then got out and went to the other side and opened my door and helped me out.
I jumped out and hugged him then giggled, “So, shall we go so I can beat you.” I asked and smiled.
“Oh yea, and what makes you think that?” he asked.
“Well I always came here as a kid, and I also know that I can always kiss better so I know I can race better.” I said then kissed him passionately then moved back and smiled then stared into his eyes.
He smiled, “Okay, that might be true, but you still won’t win.” he said and laughed a little then took my hand and walks me inside. He walked to the line and waited and watched the racers, I could tell he was trying to determine the fastest one.
I already knew which one was the fastest one, so I had to make sure I got on that one. Once the line started to move I jumped in front of him and went forward as I giggled a little. I ran in and went into the faster car and looked at him then smiled, “You won’t win, just face it, girls are better at everything.” I said then looked in front of me.
“We’ll see about that.” he said then got in the car next to me.
I shook my head and laughed a little then put the seatbelt on and looked ahead of me and waited her them get let us go. Once we were able to go I stepped on the gas and let it go, and I watched Maho out of the corner of my eye. I was only a few feet ahead of him, but that probably wouldn’t stay like that for long. I put my foot all the way down and slowly rise my foot as I turn the corners then putting my foot back down. When I saw Maho about to pass me at the corner I tried to cut him off, then he turned towards me to try to scare me, but instead of me turning away I crashed into him and went flipping in to the air and landed upside down. . . .
I woke up in a hospital, Maho was asleep on the couch. I sat up and looked around the room, my head was in extreme pain. The last thing I remembered was that I was at a mini go-cart racing place, and I was racing. I closed my eyes from fear when I started to flip in the air, then I ended up here. So many questions were running through my head. How long was I here? How long would I have to stay here? What happened after I closed my eyes? So many questions were left unanswered.
I looked over at Maho as his head moved side to side slowly and opened his eyes. Once he saw me sitting up looking at him he shoot up from the couch and rushed to me side and kissed my cheek. “I’m so glad you’re awake, I thought I lost you.” he said and hugged me.
I hugged him back and stared at the worry in his face as he back up, “How long have I been here?” I asked.
“Well.” he said then scratched the back of his head. “You have been here for a couple months now.” he told me.
I stared into his eyes and I could tell he wasn’t lying, “Months, what has happened, what happened once I started flipping?” I asked him.
“Well.” he said and grabbed a chair then grabbed a chair and sat down. “Once you started flipped, I heard you screaming and you landed upside down. I got out and rushed over to you, you were out cold, and your head was sliced open a little bit. That’s when we called the ambulance and got you here.” he told me.

- Title: The Unexpected
- Artist: inmortis
- Description: I'm writing this story for school, but I had allot of comments and thought I would share it xD
- Date: 02/13/2009
- Tags: unexpected
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