- ok first tell me wat race is cauze to me race is a group of organisms behind something for example a line and another organism tell them ready ,set, go lol its true it doesnt matter what color your skin is it doesnt matter if ur black ,white ,Hispanic ,Asian, American, Mexican, European,African,catholic,christian,Jewish,Muslim etc ur always gonna be one thing ur always gonna be a human. being human doesnt mean there are races it means that ur different.there really is no such thing as race or racism KKK,bloods,kings stuff like that its just people thinking that there better than others but there to stupid to figure that ur the same as them ur freikin human to and i hate being human i hate being the the stronger species on this beautiful planet that once was but now is a trash can for us we dont even care about it we just like taking things that can kill us and using it against other people to prove that there stronger and u no wat i say to that i say hope lighting strikes u and all people like and u all die then the population of the earth will be like 200 or less and those are the only people who care but see im sayin this cauze if some one really famouse or somthing reads this and says it to other people saying that he made it up i wouldnt care as long as he or she tells the world but i really dont care wat happens any more cauze this world is gonna end in the next 5 years cauze of some stupid president we had and now the one we have isnt really gonna make a difference as long as he saves this world then i would do any thing to repay him cauze then il now that this girl i love is gonna live and as long as she is happy then i now im gonna live to even if it means forgetting her and letting her live with her husband or boyfriend and letting her be happy then i no il live so ya thats pretty much all i gotta say and i hope she reads this . PS get appeal to reason by rise against

- Title: race means nothing
- Artist: death-ps3
- Description: if u feel offended by this then dont reed it and dont send me any hate mail cauze il im doin is trying to say the truth
- Date: 12/25/2008
- Tags: race means nothing
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Comments (7 Comments)
- -menTal worDs- - 09/26/2009
- btw, to hell with racism!!!!
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- -menTal worDs- - 09/26/2009
- wow. im glad someone got the guts to say it. nice going, dude. great job. 5/5 smile (but i would give ya a ten if i could.)
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- Suicidesoldier#1 - 05/11/2009
- You have a total of three periods and you didn't capitalize a single I... and you repeatedly spelled you as "u"...
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- RiverLight - 03/06/2009
- you're so right-- race is an anachronism. hope she reads this.
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- mikeyshikeylikey - 01/28/2009
- thank god im not the only 1 who thinks the same.
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- Death_0f_Death - 01/12/2009
- finely someone else that thinks the same thing i do and try to tell every one all the time . and its truth plain in simple.
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- christian_sarza12 - 12/26/2008
and thats ecxatly the truth too!
biggrin - Report As Spam