Unless you check your earbuds absolutely every time you put them on to make sure the left one goes into your left ear, or have ever sang along to an entire album from start to finish, or have listened to the slowest of songs while at the best of moods, or have ever been asked if you want to let the air groupies in while in the middle your ten minute long air guitar solo, or have ever spent hours trying to find that one album meant to complete you, or have ever tasted blood when you've gotten way too caught up in a hook, or have ever had the outside world go into beat with what plays inside your headphones, or have ever listened to music while doing homework and accomplished no homework at all, or have ever danced along to the sound of silence, or have ever worn a shirt of a band you like even though its design is absolutely god awful, or have ever gotten a song stuck in your head and decided that you want it to stay in there forever and ever, or have ever smelled the distinct sharp whiff of a CD you paid way too much for, or have ever bought an album on vinyl even though you don't actually own a vinyl player, or have ever gotten into a no-name band before finding out they we're coming up here to play, or have ever won an argument about a generation of music with someone from that generation, or have ever read a negative review of an album only to fall deeper in love with it, or have ever found a cover of a song that does justice to the original, or have ever had a deep and intelligent conversation with someone hundreds of miles away just about noise, or have ever heard a pin drop while listening to a thoroughly memorized song at the highest volume, or have ever turned off the radio so you could hear the noise playing inside your head, unless any of these has ever happened, then maybe you can't say music is life.
de Melody Nelson
Written for AP Lang Class. It is supposed to be one very long sentence, and written in the 'Unless you have' format. I find this completely self indulgent, and I would be happy if you'd point out where I'm wrong. And yes, some of these are exaggerated, but I do not actually own a vinyl player, and I have a Portishead vinyl collecting dust in my locker.
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