Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- patient love by cold blooded pony
- This is so wierd but random story
- The October Novella - Infect by Chiig
- It has been so long since I have started writing again and I think I suck more than ever. However it is time to Re-Introduce my style. Each year brings new Inspiration and I enjoy the time off to collect and gather thoughts. So...
- Weird dreams by Robotic Purple
- im going to atart post what i dremt about the night before if i can remember them. and if you can please like try to tell me what these dreams are about because they make no sence to me and im trying to figure them out.
- Evil Shadows by Xx_BloodyDeath_Wish_xX
- I awoke from this horrid nightmare and began to write. It was a dream with both myself and a friend I held so dearly to me, like a sibling. When I saw the monster trying to get us, I shoved that person out the window, down onto...
- Everything is doing Nothing by Echo Neko 13
- 'I don't want Everything 'cause then I'd forget about Nothing, and leave It behind. And I love It so much. I hate owning Everything. I want Nothing. Nothing...Nothing.' ((Read this story out loud; it might make a little mo...
- Veronica's Marriage by ii_IVIonster Cookie_ii
- This happened to a family member of mine. It would have been WAY longer but it would have taken FOREVER to type up!
- The Collector by T3h Banana
- my own creation. i also have a model (SOUL) in the Original Avi. Arena. plss vote search Dried_Mango_Ralph then pick the creeppy 1 Soul in original avi arena. thnx!
- Suicide isn't the answer. by Gemini Witchcraft
- Story of a man that almost taught of committing suicide.
- The Cat by Neolithic_Shadow
- Just a little short story I threw together while I was bored one night ^.^ Hope ya'll like it.
- story of my noob days~ by Xxnature magicxX
- lol well this is a story about me and meh friend tiwlight moons i corrected the name for the story! so, read, rate and enjoy! :) (yes it's a story from when I was a newb)
- With two in the cold. by LlckMeClean
- This is a part of a story i wrote a while back. Its honestly not the best i know. Buut its something. :) I had to change alot, so i could send it into the arenas. The original was uhm, i guess to inappropriate . ^.^'' Buuuuu...
- Am i going to live. 1 by reallytinyroxy
- girl gets kindnapped
- love at times by mzz shellz
- shelby finds love and finds out that love can b hard
- S k y l a ' s - S i l e n c e by Simply Someone Sexy
- In the mind of a child, and what she went through. While the events are real, this is only the interpretation of what she must have felt..
- The Little Boy by xliger3000
- This story can really inspire us. This tells us that we must never stop believing on god, Have faith)
- The Old Lady by Telegramme
- Will Death take her ? She never asked for it, but she knew it has to happen... But why ? WHY ?!
- cute writing by winffox1
- test
- cute writing by winffox1
- test