Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- My Road Through Life by DragonFang09
- This is the story of my life.
- Leaving the Right Legacy by bananamanaman
- This essay is about a life that matters.
- Allure me....(5) by Jadore2danse
- Last possible entry.
- Voice's in my head. by SkittlesSumperMan
- This is what the voices are telling me to wright down.
- Destati - Dive into the Heart by narutokid2k7
- I went on ahead and made Destati a thing, if only because I wanted to see if I could generate enough interest from the community with the first chapter! The rest of the ( tentative ) plot and story can be seen on my [url=http:/...
- Letter to Deborah-- Part 1 by naijabelle16
- Lately I've been going through a semi depressive phase that I've never experienced before.The closest person to me, my sister, is really worried about me because she notices the difference and I haven't been able to tell her wh...
- J 12:White to Black Characters by Lucifer Hellven
- This started out about the live-action Little Mermaid and grew into something bigger.
- this is no earth pt.1 by zabu o v o
- Real communication attempt
- Learn To Fly by TheCrimson-XxX
- It's about a girl who so depressed because of what she has been mad eout to be by other people. She's going to make a change that will make her happy and live happily ever after.
- The Birth of a angel by wasitacatisaw
- Angel birth idk
- Who Knew Sonic Can't Dance? by ryuusei-tan
- A funny little story about Haruhi, from the S.O.S Brigade, teaching Sonic and friends how to dance.
- what do you wish for by pinkpunk91
- i whant the last one really bad. im lonly.
- Lies by abbytwilight
- I wrote this because of a hard time i'm going through.....god forbid i go through a week full of happiness.
- A Play of who knows what by D e a r L y B e l 0 v e d
- Well my play is about me and my best friend with my ex bf, we wrote this play for The school film Fest and got first place.
- The funny things (Malaysians) by Izzat ensem
- I though this just more funny things I made...