• ****If you want to skip ahead; scroll to the four (*).

    Going into freshman year I was really depressed.
    And the thought of being a freshman really didn't even bother me.
    I mean I moved from the city in to a some what suburban setting.
    Which was a positive for me because if I went to the school my sister had went to as a
    freshman the upper classes would throw batteries and pennies at me.
    Regardless to the fact I really had no F#$ks to give.
    Moving further into that year I'll give you the gist of it all:

    -horrible teacher who apparently checked out girls and always had bad breath
    (he was eventually fired due to complaints)

    -Always got in trouble because I would wear my beige converse.
    (rules mandate either black, brown, or white)

    Wow that list was shorter than expected.
    Anyhow moving forward to the very last day of school
    The plan was to go to see a movie that day.
    But my friends had the brilliant idea to force me to say hi to this
    guy I had a crush on for the longest.

    He was tall with long dark brown hair and skateboarded.
    Of course at that time I practically fell for him
    (due to the phase I went through; I wanted to be a scene queen).

    At that time I had bright redish, pinkish, orange, and yellowish hair with braces.
    So of course my self esteem was at a low.


    So they, my friends, pushed me up to him.
    I walked up to him embarrassed as hell and said something along the lines of:
    "hi... we've never talked before.. I like you..."
    He gave me a look as if I was crazy and replied.
    So I waited there a good minute or so and said
    "Okay then... Bye"
    and walked off.
    Of course I was embarrassed, spirits crushed, and sad as well.
    I was too upset to enjoy the shrek movie we had gone to see.

    What a poo head.