• She walks down the hall alone

    Everyone pointing and whispering

    She feels as if it’s the walk of shame for that as it what it truly is

    She holds her head high

    Clutches her books to her chest

    And walks slowly with as much dignity as she can muster

    Trying to make every cruel word bounce off of her

    Like she has a protective shield around her

    She heads straight for the bathroom door

    Working hard to steady her pace

    She walks through the door

    Passes the girls looking in the mirror

    And heads straight for the farthest stall

    As she reaches the sanctity of the back stall

    She lets the tears fall silently

    Trying to control the noise

    Hoping no one notices

    The bell rings loudly and the last of the girls make their way out

    But she can’t seem to make herself move

    It would take to much work

    She can’t handle another walk of shame

    But she gathers all her strength and opens the door

    She walks over to a sink and starts to wash her hands

    She scrubs violently

    As if washing her hands will wash away her sins

    She suddenly realizes the stupidity of her actions

    And she looks at herself in the mirror

    Her once beautiful face is now streaked with tears and makeup

    Her once perfect hair is now a tangled mess

    And her once shining gray eyes are now empty wholes of dark sadness

    She can’t take it any longer and she looks away

    She hears a knock on the door

    Someone calls her name

    It’s a guy’s voice

    But who would care enough about her to come looking for her

    Especially with her new found reputation

    Everyone seems to have deserted her

    He calls her name again

    He will not go away

    He knows that she is in there

    He’s been watching out for her

    He loves her no matter what she did

    She takes a deep breath and slowly heads for the door

    She won’t speed up

    She can’t

    It takes up to much strength and she’s already lost so much

    She finally makes it to the door

    He knows she’s there for he opens the door wide

    She can’t bear to look into his eyes

    She knows they will be filled with love and worry

    Both feelings for her

    She doesn’t think she deserves either

    He gathers her in his arms and walks her to a bench

    They sit and he holds her

    She starts to sob violently

    But this time she is weeping for happiness

    Happy that there is someone who cares enough about her

    And not what she’s done or what they’ve heard

    She knows that with out him she may have done something regrettable

    This thought makes her sob even more

    But she knows that she’ll get through this

    As long as she has him and as long as he cares