• tab I remember it like it was yesterday, even though it's been almost nine years. It was an early spring day, and I was just minding my own business, making flower necklaces, when suddenly I heard a loud "Ahem." I looked up and saw, much to my dismay, Len Christian*, a fifth grader at the time. As a fourth grader, I was afraid of boys who were bigger than me, so I got up and ran. When I looked back, I was horrified to see Len chasing after me. Normally he'd leave me alone. I ran faster, hoping to outrun him.
    tab I soon got to the swing set and began swinging, but I couldn't get high in enough time, because he was gaining on me fast. I got off and kept running all over the playground, even after I ran out of breath. Every time I thought I was safe, I heard that same "Ahem."
    tab Pretty soon, I managed to find my fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Vincent*, and told her my situation. She then went over to talk to him. Afterwards, she came back and told me he wanted to say something to me, but I shook my head and said, "No way! I am not going near that guy!" Phew! After finding my teacher, I knew I was finally safe.