• Cold, hot, shimmer. Shelter, my hand. I sat up, pain shooting through my body. I clutched my side. 'Damn that hurts.' I thought. I looked around my room, panting. I tried to recall my dream, but the vision escapes my conscience too quickly. Im left with that image and those words. I wasnt sure what to make of it. I shook it out as I slowly took my surroundings in.
    My bed against the wall, a few posters littered my wall. I shook my sweat covered body out of the blankets. I slid my hsir back and stood. Still clutching my ribs I shimmied to my bathroom and stared into it. My arguably normal face stared back. Except the one crystal blue eye that glows in the dark, well that tends to happen, being a by product of a witch and some entity that exists through mana. That particular eye is usually red, so that struck me as odd. My other eye is that almost black type brownish color.
    I frowned, with mana, things that change colors usually isnt a good sign. I put my eye patch on that eye, nontheless. I sighed, and put my hair in a ponytail. Most men keep short hair, however I was instructed by my sorcerer instructor to keep long hair and wear a gold charm in my hair, to symbolize my rank and heritage. But... noone knows about my eye, only my gran knew, but she passed many seasons ago.I dressed in my scholars dark brown suit, with the black coat. I slid out of the door, as I recieved a vision from something, no... someone, a girl, and she seems familiar to me... I cannot fathom how. However. I let it slide. As soon as I walked outside I was hit with a torrent of heavy rain.