• Chapter one
    Mathieu's (2p canada) prov
    I'm bored out of my mind when the teacher,Mr.Francis tells us we have a new student.I couldn't care less. Mr.Francis tells the student to come in and what walks throw the door is something I thought I'd never see.A boy with short blonde hair and soft violet eyes walks in quietly.He's short about 5'2,he wears glasses,he seems very nervous.I was so captivated by him that I didn't relize that Mr.Francis was talking to me.
    "Mr.William are you listening to me"
    "huh,oh what do you want?"
    He clears his throat and goes back to telling me what he was saying.
    "I was saying that he is going to be your new roommate"I glare not to keen on sharing my room again.The last roommate I had only stayed for two weeks because he was so scared of me.I tried being nice to the guy but he was always nervous. I think his name was Raivis. All I know about him is he's from Latvia.But that doesn't matter right now.What matters now is that my new roommate is this short,quiet boy.I sigh and look to Mr.Francis like I understood.He smiled and went back to introducing the new boy that is my new roommate.
    "Okay class, I'd like you to meet my son Matthew."
    Oh crap that kid is Mr.Francis' son.Now I know the real reason why he became my roommate.He's gonna use his son to make sure I stay in line.Can't say I blame him for trying. I've been known to cause trouble where ever I'm at.But just 'cause he's my teacher's son doesn't mean I'm not gonna treat him like I treat everyone else.Mr.Francis tells him to sit in the seat right next to mine.Mathew sits next to me and gives me a small smile.For the rest of the class I don't even pay attention to Mr.Francis,I just look at Matthew. I'm not full on staring at him but I look at him from the corner of my eye.His eyes are so beautiful I've never seen eyes that color before.The way the light hits them it seems like their shining.And his skins looks soft like girls' skin but on a guy.If I didn't know better I swear I would have thought he was a girl.My gazing from afar is interrupted by the bell ringing and Matthew tugging on my sleeve.I come out of my thoughts and look to Matthew. He smiles.
    "I thought,since we're roommates now that you could show me around"he says but very quietly.I nod and stand up from my seat.
    "Wheres your next class?"I asked him trying not to sound happy about showing him around.He pulls out a piece of paper but I take it from him and look at it myself.He seems taken off guard by my action.
    "Lets see, you have Mr.Kirkland for science next.Alright I'll take you there."I tell him giving him back his paper.He nods and puts the paper back in his bag before he follows me out of the classroom.We walk in silence down the hallway for a little while.Matthew then decided to start a conversation.
    "I didn't get your name,could you tell me what it is."
    "Matthieu but you can call me Matt"He smiles even bigger this time.
    "Its funny,we have the same name!how do you spell your's?"I sigh not really caring about the conversation we're having but answer anyway considering he's so excited.
    "Oh your name is spelled the french way.Are you from France or Canada?"
    "I'm from Canada."At this statement his eyes seem to get bigger and his smile brighter.
    "I'm from Canada too!"I'm a little shocked by this.Not because its bad but because there are not many Canadians at this school. Hell I think I was the only one before Matthew came.He continues on with his conversation.
    "What part of Canada are you from?"I'm not use to all these questions.Normally people try to stay away from me because I don't have the most appealing apearence to me.
    "Iqaluit,in Nunavut."I tell him.
    "Oh,you're from the north. I'm from Elliot Lake in the Algoma District of Ontario in the south"I nod.
    "Have you ever been up in Nunavut?"I ask him as we come to Mr.Kirkland's room.
    "I've been there once with my dad but dad thought it was too cold."he said giggling a little.He's so cute when he laughs.Wait I don't think he's cute.Okay I know that's complete b.s. He's adorable and surprisingly nice to me.We walk into Mr.Kirkland's room,yes I have the same class as him,and we take our seats and continue to chat until the star football player of the school,Alfred Jones,comes rushing over and tackles Matthew to the ground.I stand up shocked as to why he would do that and to punch Alfred in the face if he hurt Matty. When I go to help Matty I see Alfred hugging him.
    "Matty I missed you!Why didn't you tell me you were gonna go to school here"
    "Because I didn't want this to happen."
    "What do you mean?Are you saying you didn't want to see your awesome cousin?"Wait he's that a*****e's cousin!How is such an adorable ,quiet little guy related to a loud,annoying idiot like Alfred?
    "No I wanted to see you but I didn't want you to tackle me and stalk me in school."
    "I wouldn't stalk you I would just check up on you and make sure no one's bullying you. Which reminds me."Alfred stands up and glares at me.Obviously he is not too happy to see the guy that broke his nose last year.He points a finger at me.
    "What are you doing talking to my cousin"I smirk,knowing what I'm about to tell him isn't gonna make him too happy.
    "Well I figured I'd chat with my new ROOMMATE."The look on his face was priceless.He looks even more like an idiot now.He looks towards Matty to see if I was lying but he gets a nod from Matty letting him know that I was telling the truth.He then glares right back at me.
    "I would say stay away from him but I can't really do that now.So I'll say this instead,DON'T TOUCH HIM,IF YOU DO I'LL MAKE SURE YOUR LIFE IS A LIVING HELL."This also makes me smirk.
    "Oh if you think you can control me or Matthew you've got another thing coming"At this point people are surrounding us ready to see the fight that's about to happen if it weren't for Matty. Alfred was about to punch me,and I would have dougded it but Matty jumped right in between me and Alfred getting hit in the process.Alfred is shocked at how he jumped in the way and so am I. Matty's glasses go flying across the room and Matty falls to his knees.The whole room goes silent.Me and Alfred booth check to see if Matty is alright.Alfred is the first one to say anything though.
    "Matty! oh my god I'm so sorry does it hurt?!"Matty looks up and a big bruise is visible on his left cheek.I could tell it hurt a lot just from the look on his face.But he doesn't say it does.
    "No, Alfred it doesn't hurt. I'm fine but please stop fighting."At this Alfred's face seems worried but he nods anyway.
    "Okay Matty I won't fight anymore.Do you forgive me?"Matty smiles at Alfred and hugs him.
    "Of course I forgive you"the look on his face and the way he said it made me want to hug him and tell him how cute he is but I don't.At this moment the teacher Mr.Kirkland walks in and see the scene in front of him.He calls Matty,Alfred and I up to the front of the class to get the whole story.He's very shocked to find out that it wasn't me that hit Matty but he still gives me detention for egging on a fight but hey Alfred got detention too so I guess its fair.After giving out punishments and getting the rest of the class settle Mr.Kirkland sends me and and Matty down to the nurse's office to get him some ice to put on his cheek.

    Chapter 1 of LITTLE MAPLE~end~STORY BY:Victoria Reynolds and Lauren Castillo