• A/N: New piece of writing that I started while watching the Opening Ceremony this afternoon (found a download of it because I missed it on TV). Random note: I read/wrote this with a Scottish accent so if you feel like it, feel free to do the same Enjoy, I’m not sure what’ll come of it yet but I love sharing my writing so yeah… Hope you like it

    The world is a sad, dark place now. It used to be bright with fields of green and skies as clear as glass and blue from horizon to horizon. The trees grew tall and the grass was soft beneath our feet. The sun was warm and welcoming as the purest white clouds flitted and floated around them. But it is not the same anymore.

    We inhabited the thick forest that hugged the river, my kinsmen and me. We, the Willow Clan have lived here for years upon years, and decades and centuries and longer than any human, living or dead, could recall. We have watched over the change of seasons and the turning of Time, aided those in times of trouble and stuck together when situations have been dire.

    But when The Frost came, we lost so much. We did not have many allies for we were steadfast in our ways. We have learned the hard way and paid for our mistakes with many lives. That winter was so cold and if you did not starve then you froze to death in the chilled, dark night. Only a few of us pulled through and we have struggled to restrengthen our numbers.

    We call now upon a saviour, a saviour we see cloaked in misery but with the strength enough to save not only themselves, but us as well. There will be a fight for the saviour to help us to our people, to our cousins across the seas, vast and mountains, tall. But we will be strong; for we are not going to let the very thing we have worked so hard to protect take us apart.

    We, the Willow Clan, call upon you now saviour, for we cannot do this alone.