• Ahh Ive seen you've found your way to my story?
    You're a lucky one, not many people are fortunent to stumble upon my
    little booklet of secrets. Well read and read well because this is a tale that is often not spoken of
    you see, we're all born with a gift to see and hear the other creatures in this world. But not all of us keep our eyes open to see as we age.
    We're blinded by false truth when we follow our parents and stop believeing... but for some odd reason, I was lucky enough to have another chance to see into whats hiding in the light AND shadows of this world.
    When In was a young college girl... about the age of 22, I was a conservative, uptight nursing student in my last year of school.
    One night I was alone and heard a slight chiming sound coming from the porch out the window. The air was still, the wind chimes shouldnt have made a sound. I heard a soft giggle... I cant explaine the sound in words, the giggle sounded oddly un-human. But it was still a little laugh.
    I peeked out the blindes with my fingers only exposing my eyes through the window and I tell you, there were three little faeries sitting on the wind chimes having what seemed to be, a very light conversation. one of them saw my eyes and gave a gasp and before I even had time to react, they flew away leaving no trace that they'd been there.
    I remember one of them having wings like leaves, and the other had wings like a butterfly. They blend into nature.
    The third has come back to visit, for she dressed like the ember on a flame. Now when ever I sit around the fire and the wood crackles in the heat, I see her dance up among the rest of the embers blending right in untill she disapears in the air...
    So next time you see a butterfly or a lose leave moving among the air, or sit aorund a campfire avoiding the burning embers, pay close attention, for the world has secrets you may not immediately see!