• Person 1: So Person 2. How's it going?
    Person 2: Wait what the ********? Who are you? Who am I?
    Person 1: You're Person 2. I've just addressed you. It's capitalized so it's a proper noun. That's who you are.
    Person 2: So I'm Person 2 just because you decided to address me as that? No. ******** you. I'm Person 1.
    Person 1: No, you can't be Person 1. I'm Person 1.
    Person 2: Says who?
    Person 1: Says the script!
    Person 2: Well who wrote the script?
    Copy of Person 1: I did. He's person 1.
    Person 1: See.
    Person 2: Well of course he's going to make you Person 1! He's a copy of you!
    Copy of Person 1: No I'm not!
    Person 2: Yes you are! It says so right next to everything you say. "Copy of Person 1!" See the ******** quotation marks!?
    Person 1: How did you know?
    Person 2: Well I can obviously see it!
    Person 1: Aha, then clearly you can see that where I addressed you as Person 2, it clearly says "Person 1!" to the left of it! Now do you see the ******** quotation marks?
    Copy of Person 1: Oh snap!
    *Person 2 becomes a copy of Person 1*
    Person 2: Now I'm Person 1.
    Person 1: NOPE. Still says Person 2 next to your words.
    Person 2: Fine. Whatever. Being you is lame. I'm going to be someone who has lightning for a p***s.
    *Looks into his pants and there's the sound of thunder crashing*
    Copy of Person 1: Damn! I want to be someone as cool as that.
    *Copy of Person 1 has a pair of sunglasses*
    Copy of Person 1: A pair of sunglasses is as cool as having a lightning d**k? Man... That sounded way cooler to me. *Extremely disappointed*
    Person 1: You're not allowed to be cooler than me! Your a copy! Admittedly, they're really cool sunglasses...
    *Copy of person 1 puts on the sunglasses*
    *Austin walks in*
    Austin: Ok. You know what. No. This has gone to far. You can't just make yourselves devourers of worlds just by saying so, ok? you're dumb. I wrote the script.
    Copy of Person 1: Why not? HEY!!!!!!!!
    Austin: Because I can break through the fourth wall, because you guys are an imaginary abstract I created so I get the final say on everything.
    Person 2: You tell him bro! By the way what does imaginary mean?
    *He holds up his hand for a high five and gets totally rejected like a punk a** poser*
    Austin: Shut up I've got a problem with you too, Person 2! Lightning p***s? That's the best you got? Why?
    Person 2: Because it will rumble a girls world with thunder.
    Austin: Where did your mother and I go wrong with you?
    Person 2: Is that satire?
    Austin: You should have said you would want an a** like a lion.
    *A lion roars*
    Austin: I farted.
    Copy of Person 1: Oh god it smells like deep fried cabbage!
    Copy of Person 2: Hey dude! Don't be so rude! You're a lousy creator.
    Austin: Oh, what, now you created someone to be on your side?
    Person 2: I'm a better creator than you! You made me person 2!
    *Person 2 turns into a box that says the word "Something Else" on it*
    Something Else: Oh come on! You're not even going to give me a new identity?
    Austin: Why should I? I hear you're an awesome creator. Hey, you, you're Person 2 now.
    Copy of person 1: Wait, me?
    Person 1: No! He means me!
    Austin: NO! The copy of person 2! The original person 2 is something else now.
    Something Else: ******** you.
    *Person 2 laughs Maniacally*
    Something Else: NO! You wouldn't betray me like that would you my creation?
    Person 2: Suck it loser you didn't like the name when you had it.
    Austin: Alright this is boring now, I'm gonna bail.
    Person 1: But wait! You're leaving? But I thought you had the final say on everything?
    Copy of person 1: Yeah... What the hell are we?
    Austin: Well what do you want to be? I'll name you whatever you desire! Choose carefully though... names are things of power.
    Something Else: SOMETHING ELSE!
    *Austin starts to laugh uncontrollably*
    Austin: Look! Everyone laugh at the stupid miserable box!
    *Everyone points and laughs mockingly at the box*
    Austin: I'm a vengeful God who likes to torment my creations! You want to be "something else?" Huh? You like the name I already gave you?
    Something Else: NO! Please, can I have some other options?
    Austin: How about... I've got an idea, I'm going to let Cleverbot name you.
    Something Else: Wait, I thought you were leaving... what's a Cleverbot?
    Austin: Don't get distracted, I'm interested again, I kind of want to see how this plays out. Cleverbot is this website, which has thousands of completely anonymous conversations a day. It says some pretty weird stuff sometimes. I'm going to ask IT what it wants to be named and whatever it says that's your new name! Do you understand? Even if you like it less than this one.
    Something Else: Ok. I don't think it could be much worse than this.
    Austin:Sorry, buddy.
    Something Else: MOTHER ******** COCKSUCKING s**t STACKED ON TOP OF MURDERED DICKS IN MY ******** a**s *he breaks down into a tirade of indecipherable cursing*
    Austin: I legitimately never could have guessed I would see a box behave in a manner such as this.
    Person 2: That sucks man... I'm happy with Person 2, what do you guys want to be?
    Austin: Dude, Person 2, you are way cooler than the original. Let's go. You're rolling with me.
    *They high five*
    Person 1: Wait! You said you would name us!
    Copy of person 1: Yeah!
    Austin: Ok... what do you want to be named?
    Copy of person 1: Can I be Galaxandia again?
    Austin: No. I already rejected that. Sorry I'm new to this being a direct role in your creation thing... this kind of gives me an idea though... let's start off more simple... are you a boy or a girl?
    Copy of person 1: Oh, wow, yeah it hasn't even come up yet has it.
    Person 1: s**t... it hasn't... Something Else has a lightning p***s so I guess he's a guy.
    *Something Else is now an Orange and is still swearing indistinctly*
    Something Else: Do I still have that? Oh, what the hell! I'm a ******** ORANGE c**k ******** s**t- *more cursing*
    *Austin nudges person 1*
    Austin: Get it? He's "Something Else." That's his identity.
    *Something Else is now a Chinchilla*
    Something Else: I hate you.
    Person 1: Well I guess since he's a guy, and you're a guy, I'll be a chick?
    Copy of Person 1: Since I'm a copy does that make me a chick too?
    Austin: Yeah.
    Copy of Person 1: Alright I guess I'm ok with that.
    Austin: Ok, there are hundreds of beautiful girl's names out there with deep and significant meaning, which embody qualities. What qualities do you want?
    Person 1: I want to be HOT!
    Copy of Person 1: Me too! And rich!
    Person 1: Totally famous!
    Copy of Person 1: The queen b***h!
    Austin: It's kind of funny. In my world "Person 1" was some guy named Adam. This contrasts pretty sharply with that.
    Person 1: I want to be named Tin!
    Austin: Tin? Is it short for something, or an acronym?
    Tin: Nope.
    Austin: Ok... that just seems kind of weird because it looks like you just picked the last half of my name.
    Tin: What? No, it's just something I thought of just now.
    Austin: What? I tell you names are things of power and you go with "Something I thought of Just Now?"
    Copy of Person 1: I want to be Aus!
    Austin: Ok, now I remember why I wanted to leave.
    Aus: But wait! Where are you going?
    Tin: Yeah what's wrong?
    *Austin goes to leave, but Something Else is now an Elephant blocking his path.*
    Something Else: Seriously... I ******** HATE you.
    Aus: You have to give us what we desire!
    Tin: We have a right!
    Austin: Alright, you know what... I'm an awesome guy, you guys are lousy creations! I tell you what, I could have just snapped my fingers, and been like "OH NIRVANA! OH ETERNAL BLISS AND ORGIES WITH BIG DICKED, AND BIG TITTED ANGELS WHO JUST WANT TO PLEASE YOUR NETHER REGIONS!" I could have done that if you had been polite, but never mind all that now. I'm going to tunnel out of here, and you guys can get raped by Snake-Monster.
    *Something Else goes to attack the snake monster, but turns and flees when he realizes he's now a fruit fly*
    Something Else: s**t! AUS, TIN! RUN!
    Aus: He took the tunnel with Person 2!
    Tin: HE MEANS US!
    Aus: OH! Now I see why that was confusing!
    *Tin grabs her hand and drags her along as she flees from the snake monster into the surroundings searching for shelter*