• Location: The Realm of Edenia
    Jade exhaled slowly, her black hair falling over her dark green eyes, as she laid the newborn with black hair and startling golden eyes in the crib not far from the 300 year old Kitana, who looked like she was seventeen. Kitana sat up in her dark blue nightgown, blinking. "Is that my brother?" she asked. "No... he is one who may turn the tide against Outworld, if we are fortunate enough to gain enough time for him to mature," Jade replied with amusement, thinking of how Outworld had won nine Mortal Kombat tournaments. If necessary, I will get Kitana and Queen Sindel to assist me in sending him away; hopefully, Sujin will not have to worry about it, she thought as the dark green and teal nightrobe rustled in a slight breeze that blew through the cracked arched windows.

    Unfortunately, her fears became reality within months. She got Queen Sindel and Kitana as well as a group of their most powerful sorcerers to ready a teleportation and binding spell that would transport Sujin away and bind his powers until it came time for him to use them. To her shock, minutes after they'd started the spell, one sorcerer went down with a blade rammed through his chest from behind before a Tarkatan, one of the twisted hybrid nomads of Outworld, bared its two inch fangs at her. She promptly decapitated it with a blade she unsheathed from her dimensional pocket before hurling it at a second who had gone at Kitana's back. A prismatic blue aura ignited, lighting the runic circle they used to bind Sujin's powerful abilities before a fireball slammed into the center, detonating in chains of hellfire which killed all but one of the sorcerers while leaving Sindel and Kitana unconscious. Jade herself was knocked backward brutally from the attack and lay stunned as she saw an elderly man in a dark red robe similar to a kimono lift the sorcerer by his throat as a green aura of soul magic engulfed them both. To her shock, the sorcerer's tanned and muscular body withered and paled, becoming but a skeleton of its former self before the man, now with a long grayish white beard hanging over his chin and throat cast it aside. "Shang Tsung...." she murmured as she passed out.