• Their names were Eclipse and Juliana. They didn't have many friends, but together they had the greatest friendship of all. Their biggest hobby, adventure. One day, they see a door in the abandoned house, which they would always visit, they've never seen before. They go through and see the world of Harry Potter right in front of them. So they stick together and go on adventures with the trio, they fell in love with two people as well. Then the day of the battle comes, they fought well, but after the death of Eclipse's love, she couldn't fight any longer. Juliana said that she hated seeing her in so much pain, and that they needed to go back. However, on the way back to the door, Bellatrix came along. Juliana told Eclipse to go, but she refused. Juliana said she cared for her life more than she did her own. So Eclipse went through the door, but before she shut it, she saw a spell shot at Juliana, killing her. She wanted to go to her, but the door had shut and sealed by then. She came back to the house, crying, until she saw Juliana standing in front of her. Juliana asked if she really thought she was dead, and that she was dead in the other world. Eclipse hugged her, and said this:

    "Other people don't have a true friendship, but we do." heart