Chapter 1
Kazura Hiraki,
Another hot sunny day was upon us and again we were sent out side in the field to pick. I carried the heavy bag full of Asian pear to the truck that goes to the market when full. I walk down the long steps, half way I feel the bag slip through my fingers and I fall with it. I look at the sky like I catch myself doing more and more often I’ve been thinking of what it would be like to be a normal girl, someone who wasn’t born under a poor family truly I shouldn’t have been a poor at all but that’s not Tamaki, the owner of the house, was he didn’t care about anyone especially not my mother. she was very sick and died at a young age, I was only 5 months old and I was supposed to be released from working for him, but instead Tamaki kept me and there was nothing I could do about it. Luckily the other people who were poor and worked for him took care of me especially a lady the same age, as my mother would be if she were still alive her name was Sakura, which I knew meant cherry blossom a beautiful flower. She’s extremely nice and giving which I had to guess was part of the reason she worked for the basted, Tamaki. I couldn’t help to look at the clouds and wonder what it would be like to be a normal girl…what would happen if I weren’t poor.
I look around and it was almost like my fantasy except for the fact that my fantasy involved more flowers and a beautiful wiping willow tree a small house where I can live on my own and no one had to work for me or I didn’t have to work, since in my fantasy the beautiful land was all ready like that naturally. I would play everyday in the tree, climbing it and such. And when I wanted to relax I could lay above it admiring the weather or the flowers. It was a perfect fantasy. I bet every girl had one like that but only instead of it being them living alone in peace it was there wedding day or the house they would live in after there wedding day. I couldn’t care less I just cared about my family, or being alone. Even though mostly I hate to be alone. I since the day I was born I’ve always wanted to be the attention child, I always want to be the best, or not necessarily the best but just for everyone I meet to love me, or except me in someway, it doesn’t sound all that bad except when you get to be such an attention hog that it ends up being no one loves you. But I don’t think I’m there yet.
“Stop daydreaming Kazura and get back to work.” I turned to see the annoying voice that I knew already was Rin she was the meanest of the woman here. She was walking back from the truck empty bag in her hands. I glared and walked to the truck not taking my eyes off her.
When I got to the truck I was surprised to see the truck full meaning it needed to be taken to the market. Rin left the truck full and of course when you see it full you’re supposed to tell Tamaki, of course the reason I know Rin didn’t tell Tamaki its because every one knows who ever reports it is the one who has to go to the market with him and no one wants to do that especially not me. I quickly squeeze my fruit in the truck which half goes on the muddy ground and walk off hoping that no ones around saw. I realize that Tamaki is some where close but I also realize Rin just got away with it so why couldn’t I.
I kept walking faster and faster every step or I could be going slower I couldn’t tell. It was my first time I ever disobeyed Tamaki and I didn’t want to make it a habit but I hated going to the market with him.
Just keep walking I thought to myself. So I did. I suddenly realized there was some one standing right in front of me and the most frightening thing of all was it was Tamaki himself. He looked at me with absolute disgust.
“So…” He said in a sarcastic kind of voice. “You thought you could get away with that huh?!?!?!” He took me easily by my hair and tugged hard making me squeal. Luckily and surprisingly Mizuki, Tamaki’s son, came up and made Tamaki let go and I thought I heard Tamaki say something like 'oh…I see' which I didn’t understand.
“All right Mizuki, go in to town with this girl and hurry too there’s no time to spare.” He glared at Mizuki-samma one last time before walking away but again Mizuki was cautious but stopped him again.
“Um the truck is broken remember.” He said and it almost seemed like he was backing up scared his father would hit him or something. He only turned to look at us in complete aggravation.
“Right all right, yes I forgot, ok you will be forced to walk there tell Mr.Itzuki to come back and get the truck. Understand Mizuki?” I knew Itzuki was the man who they traded there fruit with he was very selfish and would do anything for master ling’s fruit and I had no doubt he wouldn’t come to the truck just for the fruit.
Mizuki just nodded and we started to walk away to the market place, I knew it would be a long walk and I was surprised Tamaki wasn’t more mad at it would hold up things.
There was only a few things I knew about Mizuki and they were rumors from others so I hadn’t a clue if they were true or not. But everyone told me he was just as bad as his father, that he was selfish and rude. But that was one thing I thought was untrue I wasn’t around him much but every once in awhile when he substituted for his father in the field to watch us he was very kind to not only me but everyone, but no one else would admit it. It was also said that he was a lot like us when it came to his father. When we did one thing wrong his father would punish us by not letting us work and getting kicked out on the street I have never punished because I tried to be a perfect angel as much as a can and if I do I try to not of course get caught like I did with the truck but unlike what happened with that incident I have never been caught and never punished. But they do say that Mizuki is a lot like us because when he does something wrong he is also caught by his father and punished but in a different way. I truly looked up to Mizuki in a way.
Mizuki walked slowly but still faster than me. He was silent the whole way, which I understood. When we arrived at the market he finally turned to me, and he smiled so sweetly.
“Wait here, ok.” He smiled again and left me standing there. I knew not to move out of my spot and get lost since I knew if I were found, which I knew Tamaki would find me, I would be punished. So I stood there like an idiot and looked even worse.
Suddenly I was swept away by some stranger he seemed to be drunk but I couldn’t tell. He also seemed rich.
“Hey sweet heart want to come with me and we can have some fun.” I shook in fear as I looked around hoping some one who was passing by would help, but everyone was too busy with what they were doing to care.
“Go away…” I said with and uneven voice. He just smiled showing his black teeth.
“Oh come on sweetie come with me.” I tried to pull away but he had a good hold on me.
Before I knew it though Mizuki came back grabbing me from the mans arms he pulled me aside as I collapse on the ground in shock. Mizuki comes beside me and lifts me up by my arms I brush myself off a bit and stare at the man staring in confusion and frustration.
“Excuse me sir but what exactly are you doing with her.” Mizuki said with a very stern face that scared me.
“Nothing I was simply walking by, but may I ask if she works for you that maybe she would like it better to work with me Maybe we could work out a trade?.”
Mizuki gave him a blank stare and looked at me and I knew he was trying to figure out what to say and I figured two things that he could say. ‘How much are you offering to pay for her’ and/or ‘I will ask my father and will get back to you’ and either way I will end up working with him, but instead he does something I would never expect.
“She is a worker to my father, but to me she is much more, she is my…” I took him a second to think of something “She is my fiancée. So I guarantee there will be no selling of her and I am also sure you were doing more than just walking by. Good day sir.” He easily but his arm around me as we walk away from the man.
“Thank you.” That was the only thing I could think of saying. He just smiles at me and laughed a bit.
“It could happen to anyone especially some one as cute as you.” He smiled at me again and walked ahead on the road again only turning rarely to make sure I was still safely behind him.
By the time we arrived home it was so late the sun was going down already I rushed home hoping I didn’t miss dinner. I opened the heavy door, which helped kept the building warm for us in the winter. When I walked in I was expecting frowns on everyone’s faces I expected everyone mad I came home so late even if it was because I went to help Tamaki and Mizuki. I expected them to think I was the reason Mizuki and I took so long. Instead walking in I saw everyone smiling and as a sat down I saw the most amazing thing a huge dinner was put on the table, it was the kind of dinner the people like Tamaki would eat every day. That night we ate like kings in silence the only thing any one did was smile at me. I went to bed right after dinner not saying a word and no one said anything about it I went to sleep faster than usual that night and also unlike most nights thinking of his name, think of the name, Mizuki.
The next morning I headed out for the field like usual and this time Rin was even meaner than usual. Every time she passed she would bump me and half the time sending fruit I had in my bag flying so I had to spend even more time working.I of course knew it also had something to due with yesterday.
The end of the day was like any other though except Tamaki told us to wake up early because we had to work more than usual and of course he didn’t tell us why. It was also strange since when we all started to walk away Tamaki stopped me and handed me some kind of paper. I decided not to look at it until I was away from him. So I just bowed and walked away slowly. When we all got back of course everyone had questions but I refused to open it in front of them so I escaped to the bathroom that smelled terrible and when you take a shower smelled like rotten eggs. I didnt really realize it but I was reading the letter out loud it read:
Starting tomorrow you will be assigned to duty in the household of Mizuki and I. You may think of this as a promotion, I guess you can say but come do this job and you may find a bigger reason. See you soon.
I was absolutely shocked and happy at the same time. I crawled out side the door to see people crouched at the door, which I guessed they were trying to listen in. I just gave them a glare and went to the bedroom rolled out my bed and tried to fall asleep. I did hear that dinner was another big fancy one. I just didn’t get it I didn’t understand what was going on it was so strange and I didn’t even know what to do because I was always so out of the loop. Like a baby I am I started crying, I started to cry for a while until I heard others coming than I just stopped and hid my face. I just tried to imagine what would happen tomorrow, I just wondered why, why me? Why was I the one to have to go and do this? I didn’t understand why me…so I just lay there unable to sleep questions racing through my head. I didnt want to disappoint anyone, I knew this job would be difficult so why in the world did they pick me?
The next day I walked up the steep hill to Tamaki's and Mizuki's house it was a longer walk than I thought. Tamaki just said to clean anywhere, which truly I didn’t know where to start since the house was disgusting. It hit me that they never had anyone clean the house we were always sent out side which only brought up more questions of why did they decided to get someone to clean now. I started in the bathroom cleaning everything I could I never really had to clean anything before so I wondered how I was doing even though I knew it had to look better than before. When I started to clean somewhere else it took me a second to realize Mizuki was sitting in a chair reading a book in the living room where I needed to sweep. I decided to just sweep there hoping he wouldn’t mind. He did look up once but then went right back to reading.
When I finished almost the whole house Mizuki got up from his reading and looked at the clock and then at me he smiled and made a gesture with his hands, which was kind of ‘your free’ gesture.
“You are done for today. Thank you.” He went back to his reading, but I wasn’t done.
“Um…” I started but then decided to wait until tomorrow.
“What is it? You may say it.” He but down his book down on the now clean table. He looked so handsome so smart. I broke out of my trance shaking my head like an idiot.
“Um I was just wondering if I should come here tomorrow…” he just smiled his cute crooked smile.
“Yes I would like it very much if you came again tomorrow, if you don’t mind.” He looked at me hoping for an answer he would like.
“Um yes…ok…” I bowed and he gave another handsome smile.
“Ok then see you tomorrow. I will be waiting in anguish until you arrive.” I first of this as a joke but when he gives such a loving smile that can make you melt made me realize he was serious. So I just bowed again.
I walked until I was out of sight of the house, and then ran as fast as I could to the workers house. Awaiting me there was surprisingly no one. I checked outside realizing I was allowed home earlier than everyone else. So I decided that I wouldn’t eat and go to bed early like the night before and also like the other night would probably end up not sleeping at all still having questions in my head that I knew would not be answered.
The next morning we awoke again early since again we needed to supposedly work more. Everyone’s futon was already rolled up making me realize I had to hurry up or I would be late.
Breakfast was awkward no one spoke to me which I understood if I were in there shoes I would do the same thing since I was gone for a day and I hadn’t said where I have been yet either. I knew rumors would be flying too. I ate breakfast as fast as I could and ran outside up to Mizuki’s. As I ran I thought about what Mizuki had said it only made my skin and my stomach feel strange. When I arrive Mizuki is only doing his usual. sitting in his chair and reading. I started to clean where I left off in the kitchen area. I scrubbed until my arms bleed which was literal my arms really did bleed in places, which I knew was because of the kitchen has never been cleaned before now meaning now it was even harder to clean since so much built up. When I thought I was done I rubbed my arm across my forehead as I scrubbed my last spot. Strangely I feel something warm go across my arm, which turns out to be another arm and another hand that grab mine.
“Missed a spot.” I hear the person whisper, which the person turns out to be no other than Mizuki. I blushed so bad I had to turn away. I think he saw me because I saw him smile. He uses his hands on mine to scrub the spot I missed.
“Sorry.” I say to him still turned away but still turned enough toward him to still see the smile on his face
“No problem I’m happy to help.” As he gets done scrubbing the now clean spot he walks away stops half way to the door turns to me.
“Oh and your done for today. But tomorrow I want to talk to you privately.” He turns to me smiles and starts walking toward me again he lifts my chin with his finger. His face is only half an inch from mine. I feel his body heat as he says.
“It’s very serious.” He admits as he slowly leans to kiss me and I don’t know what to react but luckily someone who was his father walked in.
“Oh sorry to interrupt but Mizuki I need to talk to you about some business details.” He smiles which I haven’t seen even in my life and takes Mizuki by the arm.
“Tomorrow” he says right before he gets pulled away. I stand there complete in shock I can’t move for at least it feels like twenty minutes before I can move my legs enough to walk down back to the house and even then I’m in shock as I un roll my futon ad collapse on it on my bed laying there only able to look at the ceiling for another twenty minutes and even after that I couldn’t sleep. I do lose finally sleep when I guess its morning because it feels like I only sleep for five minutes when I get awoken by strong hands shaking me and when I open my eyes I see the strong hands are Mizuki’s.
I got up so fast I only saw black for a moment. I look at Mizuki apologetically but he just seemed to be smiling and chuckling softly.
“Am I late?” I asked nervously. He smiled a crooked smile and sat me back down as I started to get up.
“Yes but that would be my fault I wanted you to sleep a bit later than usual. I just hated how tired you get at the end of the day.” He looked away trying to be serious but his smile still showed. “Well, you may eat the breakfast made for you. I do hope you like it and when your done please head up too the house where I will need to talk to you about that important thing.” He looked at me completely serious now looking deep into my eyes. He tried to do he wasn’t able to do yesterday he leaned in slowly like last time and finished the passionate kiss. I realized that I thought yesterday when my skin got bubbly with goose bumps that it couldn’t get worse but I as wrong this time my skin got even worse covered in goose bumps. The kiss at first seemed to last to long but when it was over I realized I as wrong about that too. He got up slowly and at the entrance said, “See you there.” And like that he was gone I looked at my bare feet for a second before I got up.
The breakfast truly was amazing I ate fast curious at first then decided I better slow down a bit I don’t know what exactly to do with the dishes do I just leave them there. When it came to getting dressed I look through my stuff amazed to see something I didn’t recognize I normally hade only one kimono and it was for working and sleeping but I discovered another one it sat in the very back of the very small closet and I as surprised I haven’t noticed it before. I guessed it must have been my mothers which I got to have since she passed away I picked out and I discovered how truly beautiful it was well at least beautiful to a slave like me. I quickly but it on hoping to impress Mizuki.
Half way to Mizuki’s house I saw Rin looking like she was going to the truck she stopped to look at me. She put her basket under her arm in an I’m-the-coolest-thing-alive way she looked me over a second.
“That kimono was your mothers.” She announces this like it headline news. I don’t know what exactly to say.
“Yes I know I figured it must have been.” I say looking at my shoes that didn’t match my shoes in any way.
“Yes well you figured right. Your mother was a very sweet woman…well at least in most people’s eyes.” At these words I look up.
“What do you mean?” I really was confused.
“Well do you want to know the truth about your mother?” she looks me in the eye serious but with a laughter. “Your mother was a complete slut.” I paused I didn’t what that meant but it was bad, that I knew.
“What are you talking about?” I could feel tears about to coming to my eyes.
“I guess you don’t know but before your mother died she devoted her self to Tamaki, she said she as in love with him and wanted to marry him to say alive she was willing to even give you up she wanted to let you be a worker after she died because you were a gift to him because that as how much she loved him and didn’t care about you. And the only reason Mizuki is pretending to love you is because you are hers. So get it in your brain that no one loves you not even your mother cared about you so it’s a disgrace that you are wearing her kimono.” Now the tears are streaming down my face as I storm off. I walk for a while when I realize I have all ready walked another mile. When I collapse on the ground Sakura comes up on the side of me she lift me up not even asking what’s wrong which I always liked about her when you are upset she doesn’t even ask. She sat next to me for awhile as I sobbed and hen I as done lifted me up and took me up the rest of the way to Mizuki’s I didn’t know what I was going to say to him either I knew now I was more than an hour late now.
When we arrived it was a blur I was still crying but not as much now as sakura explained that something happened on the way of getting here that got me really upset Mizuki seemed to understand he looked upset too. Sakura leaves whispering “Cheer up” in my ear but I only wished she understood. And as soon as she left I started sobbing again. And just like that Mizuki’s arms were around me he was holding me in his arms as I sobbed in his chest. For some reason what Rin said about Mizuki only pretending to love me was beyond true and that he did truly love me so it also made me think that all the other stuff wasn’t true either but I still couldn’t help sobbing in his chest and knowing everything was going to be O.K as long as I knew some stuff that Rin said wasn’t true.
- by Well Duck You Then |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 07/12/2011 |
- Skip

- Title: Unexpectedly, expected
- Artist: Well Duck You Then
- Description: Back in japan a teen whos poor and working for a place to live she falls in love with her "masters" son but at what cost? And is her family really at rest?
- Date: 07/12/2011
- Tags: unexpectedly expected love romance teen
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