• crime scene investigation ygoh/fma style

    "wtf?, damn i`ve seen plenty of murders in my life and none of them were mine nor as messy" said ryo " really? i didn`t know that say roy , did you know that ed-( slash ) " said the csi. " damn it shadow! how are we supposed to solve this case if you keep killing every one ?! this isn`t one of your thief days, you hear me?!," said the full metal alchemist when he turned around in time " .....silence idiot you said you wouldn`t speak of it ever again. Leave me alone!, come mirah we leave this place filled to the brim with slaves" said ryo as he went away grombling in drake " Yes master we are leaving right now but why?" said mirah in ryo`s head
    (she wasn’t allowed to talk aloud to any one except the people that ryo had excepted as close friends which was very limited
    " that’s none of your concern pet " said ryo gently back into mirah’s head
    " geez what’s wrong with him?! " said Edward as he watched ryo leave with his pet " dog" and went off to go complain to his boy friend roy .
    " what’s wrong full metal? " said roy as he was doing paper work and not once
    looking up at all to see the angry look on ed`s face
    " that thing the furor calls " shadow" and his mutt "fanged " are at it again shadow killed
    another sla-er associet again and then bitches and lets mirah all over the crime scene " said ed

    " It’s ok full metal , I’m going over to ryo`s to night i will have a talk about this
    with him (roy was one of the close "friends" that mirah was allowed to talk to
    aloud )" said roy

    " Alright roy I’ll take your word for it, I love you but you already know that ." said ed

    " damn it mirah get back here right this instant or i swar-( doorbell rings )e
    you will go to bed with out dinner today!" said ryo irritably as he went to go answer
    the door when all of a sudden mirah dashes by him almost toppling him over tired ,angry and
    frustraited he grabs her by the scruff of her neck and says " Bad dog! very bad dog ,now give me that bag now slave ."
    Roy hears ryo sharply reprimand mirah . he was about to leave until the door
    finally opens and he hears nothing but mirah whimpering with open wounds on her back bleeding
    profusely and hears ryo mutter "damn mutt , she just doesn’t know when to quit. sorry roy i had to
    punish mirah thanks for coming did you bring the thing i sent you and ed? "

    " Well now that you mention it ,actually yes here ." said roy as he went into his coat and takes out a
    oddly shaped package .

    Mirah stops whimpering she knew that smell well and approaches roy and says " master roy can i see that p..p..please?" " along as it’s alright with your master . (roy turns to ryo and gives him
    the now? look) " said roy
    Ryo grabs mirah by the scruff again and opens her jaws and gave roy the
    now!! glare " Sorry love its time for the annual brushing of your teeth (mirah started to struggle)
    ok? now just relax "