Chapter 2
As I drove down the street to Sara’s house at an alarming speed, it wasn’t until I drove past a sign that read all the cars and motorcycle speed did I see that I was going ninety miles an hour on a forty five mile road. I slowed down and heard sara laughing –she laughs when ever I go over the speed limit by accident, I guess it’s the adrenalin rush she gets when we’re riding my motorcycle- for a moment I thought she was going to fall off and laugh herself to death, but when I was below forty three on the speed her laughter stopped.
“Wow violet, are you daydreaming?” she asked still hyped up on the adrenalin.
“I,” I stopped and thought about my words. Since we left the school parking lot I wasn’t thinking right. The new guys words “I hope you don’t die on your way home tonight” had really messed up my brain. What did he mean by them, and why did he whisper them into my ear and not say them out loud?
“You what vi?” saras voice pulled me out of my thoughts.
“I guess I was a little bit.” Honesty toke control of my voice for a moment.
“Well snap out of it, you’ve been like this since the conversation in the parking lot at the school.” She sounded worried, and I wasn’t the only one who saw it.
“Fine…still that guy, the new one, there’s something different about him.”
“Really, like what?” Sara held tighter to me as I rounded a corner.
“I don’t know. But I get the feeling like he’s hiding something from everyone.” I felt my stomach starting to hurt from just the thought of the new guy,
“Then let’s dig up some dirt on this guy, I mean he might be a killer.” She sounded sarcastic, but for all I knew she could have been right. I mean nobody in the whole school would say something like that with such a serious tone.
“Lets not, you could be right for all we know, and by we do you specifically mean me?”
“You, my un-sister, are right. Sides he seems to like you more then any other girl in the whole school.” She started to giggle and that worried me a bit –her giggling while I’m driving my motorcycle, never a good combination.
Still the thought of the new guy liking me more then jasmine was pretty cool, yeah she was a whore but I’m a b***h that cam kick her into next Tuesday if she ever got on my last nerve, but if that is true then I might be getting into more trouble then I can handle. Continually going down the road at forty three miles an hour Sara and I continued our conversation going from one topic to another until we saw that some lunatic had switched lanes and was heading right towards us. I had little time to think so being a bit drastic I told sara to hold on as I went off the road –jumping over the road railing on a Harley Davidson is probably one of the most stupidest thing I’ve ever done in my life but it was worth it- into the forest that was dense and hard to maneuver in. we heard a crash then a car alarm going off, I stopped the Harley, sara and I got off and walked back to the road.
“What the hell just happened?” she asked looking at me with wide eyes.
“Not sure, maybe it was a drunk driver.”
“It’s only three o’clock, who’d be drunk at this time?”
“Apparently this guy.” I said pointing to the car.
We walked over to the driver side of the car knocked on the window but the person inside didn’t move. I tried to open the door but it was locked, then I got a weird vibe like this was a trap –me plus weird vibes equal quickly getting the hell away from the thing that’s giving me the weird vibes. I grabbed Saras wrist and bolted back into the forest a few minutes later there was an explosion and pieces of metal were flying over our heads. Sara was shaking as we lied on ground hoping –and praying- that the pieces of car didn’t hit us. One piece came flying towards me and I had enough time to roll out of the way for if I hadn’t I would have a large piece of metal in my chest. Sara got up and ran over to me, her eyes still wide and her hands were trembling as she tried to lift me to my feet.
“Oh my god, violet, we survived a car bombing!” she said loudly that she could have broken a wine glass.
“Ow my ear and I know. You think this will be on the news?”
“I hope not, I’m not cute looking and neither are you.” She pointed to a twig that was in my hair and gingerly pulled it out.
“Well we should get home…hey can I stay at your place tonight?”
“Wont your mom be worried about you?”
“I’ll call her when we get to your place.” I aid walking over to the motorcycle that had little dents in it and I kinda cried about it.
“Alright. Let’s get back on the road.” She got on at the same time I did and we drove out of the forest back onto the road.
The rest of the ride was silent only the sound of the engine filled it; I guess we were to busy thinking about what happened to talk or just give a slight notion that we were alive after that. I pulled into Sara’s driveway and killed the engine. We walked to the other side of the house and opened the basement door –Sara’s room was the basement, her parents redid it so she and I could come and hang out here. It was pretty cool really, I mean she had a Jacuzzi in the far corner in another she had a Wii, her bed was like hanging from the ceiling and it swung too- I walked over to her bed and laid on it my mind still confused about what had just happen and what the new guy meant with his words.
“I can’t believe what just happened,” Sara’s voice was just a mire whisper “first the new guy tells you to be careful and not die, then the car bombing.”
“You heard him too” I sat up and looked at her with some-what wide eyes.
“Yeah, he said it loud enough for everyone in the parking lot to hear. What where you zoning out when he said it?” she looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
I dipped my head and looked at the floor “I heard it as only a whisper.”
She walked over to me placed her hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eye. I could tell she was worrying because she never looks me in the eye except for when she’s worried like hell about me. She sighed then sat down next to me, I laid back and looked at the ceiling mind racing with thoughts and then I started to worry about my mom, was she alright, did she hear about the explosion in the road all this was going through my head until I heard the Benny Hill theme starting to play. I looked over to see sara being silly again and her little terrier dog was chasing her while the song was playing, it was pretty funny I couldn’t stop laughing -I mean seriously how could you not laugh while the benny hill song was playing and your being chased by whatever is chasing you-
“Well it looks like our work is done Excalibur” Sara said with a chasers grin. The terrier dog spun in circles and yapped a few times then ran over jumped on the bed and started to lick my nose.
“Oh god, stop with the cuteness,” I said in the middle of laughing “it’s killing me.”
“Excalibur enough boy just stick to sitting on top of her.” sara sounded like a commanding officer then my best friend, her little dog just sat there looking at me with puppy dog eyes and he had his little tong out.
“So violet weren’t you going to call your mom?”
“Now that you mention it, I’m gonna go home. I don’t want her to worry.” I got off her bed and headed for the door. She said good-bye and hoped that I’d be able to take her to school again tomorrow. I merrily nodded and walked out.
When I was on my motorcycle and backing out of her drive way I felt like someone was watching me –weird I know plus there was a bit creepiness added in- I looked over my shoulder and saw a man dressed in a dark brown hoodie with blue jeans and sneakers, the hood was over his eyes so I couldn’t tell who it was. The odd sense of this person watching me was epically weird, I mean he wasn’t there when Sara was with me and now there he is standing across the street watching my every move. Talk about stalker much. I started to ignore him when I got another vibe telling me something bad was going to happen again. I pulled the motorcycle back into to the drive way and a minute later a car going faster then the limit allowed came barreling down the road.
“Two times in one day, that has to be a new record for me.” I mumble to myself.
When the car passed, I quickly pulled out and speed up the road to my house hopping my mom wasn’t pacing back and forth in the kitchen with the phone to her ear calling the cops – she gets really worried when something in town happens and I’m somewhere near it. When I pulled into our garage I bolted for the kitchen door, my mom was –of course- on the phone but she wasn’t in a panic state, she was more calm then worried, like what happened on the road first and second time didn’t really happen. She looked up at me with a raised eyebrow and held up one finger.
“Hey Marsha,” she said going back to her conversation “let me call you back…yes I’ll tell violet you said hi…alright bye-bye.” She placed the phone back into its cradle then looked at me “So I hear there was a new guy at school from Aunt Lily,” She smiled “she tells me he might have a thing for you.”
“Mom, I have to disagree with you and principal lily, the new guy is different and I get an awful vibe from him.”
She looked at me with a worried expression –my mom has always known about my vibes since I told her when I was five that I didn’t like the guy who was my babysitter, I told her that he seems to always be watching me like he was waiting for me to be left alone when sara wasn’t near me. A few days after my mom was away and I was with sara at her place, the man was arrested for ***** of a young girl, good thing I was right to tell my mom when I did or that young girl could have been me- she grabbed two stools, placed then next to each other and asked me why I got such a bad vibe from the new guy. Reluctantly I spilled my guts to my mom telling her about the short conversation in the parking lot, about the car bombing, and about the guy that was watching me from across the street before the speeding car came by –he had vanished when I looked back. She took in all that I said and for a few minutes we sat there in total silence, I thought she thought that I was crazy. When she opened her mouth I couldn’t believe what she said.
“Are you sure that this all happened, that you’re not just making this up.”
My jaw dropped “Mom I swear this really happened.”
“Then why wasn’t the car bombing on the news? I mean a sound like that would have been loud enough for me to hear.” Her voice was serious.
I strayed silent thinking about what had happen, did I just imagined it, did those pieces of metal really come off and if so were me and sara the only ones who witnessed it? I got up from the stool shaking my head as if to drive away the things I said and saw, I walked up the staircase and went to my room. I laid on my bed looking at the ceiling wondering if I was going crazy or if that stuff really happened, sara saw the car crash, I felt the awful vibe that ran through me telling me of danger, it wasn’t like I was wrong. I know what I saw and I felt the panic along with it. A knock came pulling me out of my thoughts I sat up and asked who it was.
“Who else silly child of mine.” The voice was deep, a hint of kindness ran in each word along with a strike tone. I immediately got off my bed and ran to my door swung it open and there stood my dad. He had black hair and was about my height, he wore a blue suit with brown loafers, in his right hand was his briefcase while in the other was a present.
“Dad,” I said swinging my arms around him “you’re home from your busyness trip early, how come?”
“Well violet I heard on the news that there was a car bombing on the road that you take to get home, I was worried about you.”
It was on the news…my dad saw the news yet mom didn’t. What that’s different and mom didn’t believe me when I told her about it, so now dads here and he heard about it…okay I’m confused. “it was on the news?” I said entirely confused.
“Yes, there was a car bombing and a couple of girls on a motorcycle, I suspect that was you and Sara, nearly escaped into the forest before the car exploded. This was all an eye witness account.” He said looking at me with a worried look.
“What channel was it on?”
“Channel four why?”
“Is it on all day, I mean the news about the car bombing?”
“No violet, it was only on for a few minutes then it went to a car that crashed just and the bottom of the road.”
That was on the news too! Mom seriously didn’t watch the news today, wait she watched it this morning and she was always watching it when I came home, I use to think she never moved from the couch at all every day I came home from school, but lately she was acting weird like something was out to get her during the afternoon. For a moment I thought about what the new guy said to me in the school parking lot but then my mom came upstairs with a shocked look on her face. Dad and i looked at her then at each other.
“Caroline? What’s the matter?” my dad said gently placing a hand on moms shoulder.
“I just heard from Sara’s mom, violet I’m terribly sorry for not believing you.”
“What did Sara’s mom tell you?”
“She told me about what happened to you and Sara when the car bombing happen, she heard it from Jerald who heard it from Hannah who heard it from grandma white and so on and so forth.”
“Wow, so the entire town of black woods knows.” I said looking at the ceiling “great school is going to be full of questions I don’t want to answer.”
“Well you could always stay home.” Dad said
“And leave Sara to fend for herself, I think not!” I looked at him then at mom “well it’s good that you believe me now.”
“I know I shouldn’t have said what I did earlier.” She smiled apologetically.
“Ummm not to interrupt the touching topic, but what’s for dinner dear?” dad looked uncomfortable but he was just playing.
After dinner mom dad and I went to the living room and played a game of scrabble, dad won a few times same with mom but I always beat them with my vast knowledge of words. Mom complained as dad said I was getting smarter; I merrily shrugged and went back to the word I was working on. In a small attempt to make me loss mom swapped a few of my tiles out for different ones and when I saw it I laughed a bit then made up a goofy word. The three of us played for more than two hours laughing and talking when I heard a knock on the door. Dad got up and opened the door and to my surprise I saw the guy from school who said he hoped I didn’t die to night standing outside on my porch.
“Can I help you?” my dad’s voice was stern and strict.
“Yes, can I speak to violet for a moment?” his voice was calm and collect, like there wasn’t a worry in his world, weird.
“Very well,” dad turned and looked at me “violet it’s for you.”
I got up and walked out the door on to the porch then closing it behind me so my parents couldn’t hear the conversation “so what brings you here”
“Simple, I want to know how you survived that car bombing and the speeding car coming down this road.”
“Why should I tell you, I don’t even know who you are, and to tell me that I don’t die tonight what’s up with that?”
“Tell you not to die? I believe you have me confused.” He looked at me and a shiver ran down my spine.
“you damn well know what I’m talking about,” I whispered “you said that you hoped I didn’t die tonight then a few miles away from the school a car bombing happens then a speeding car tries to run me over.” I looked at him with fierce eyes trying to hide my smallish fear.
He leaned closer to me his voice just below the whisper “you really don’t like thinking you’re wrong do you.”
“What…that has nothing with…..god damn it, now I’m the one that’s confused.” A hint of anger was hidden in my voice.
“Don’t worry; being confused keeps the truth hidden from preying eyes.”
“Say what now?”
“You’ll understand it one day; if not then oh well.”
“You are so random, you know that right.”
“Yes I know that, I also know that you like things that are random.”
“I do not!” I lied.
“Really then look me in the eye and say that.”
I paused for a moment the turned my back to him, I heard him laugh a bit as he said something under his breath. I stood there for a few more minutes as he stayed silent I thought by the time I turned around he’d be gone but nope he was still there looking at he with his head tilted to one side. I turned back around in a huff causing him to laugh again, he toke me by the shoulder and spun me around so I was starring him in the eye. I felt rigged, afraid, my knees started to shake and the palms of my hands went numb. What was going on, my stomach was doing summer saults and I didn’t even know why. He slid one of his hands up to my ear and I shook when he stopped.
“Afraid?” he whispered.
“No.” yes, I was terrified of him.
“And you continue to lie, how cute.” His smile was sly and devious.
“I…I think you should leave…now.” I tried to back away but something was keeping in place.
“Very well, but I will see you tomorrow.” He let me go then walked off the porch.
I quickly went back inside and locked the door, who was this guy and what the hell just happened?

- Title: Hyacinthum
- Artist: Avirma
- Description: chapter 2 of le story o mine, hope you like it. and comments are most welcomed.
- Date: 05/22/2011
- Tags: hyacinthum
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