• I was at my house.
    My mother was there. My dad had gone to Lavender Town.
    I wanted to go look for him.
    I asked my mother.
    She looked down and was silent.
    I assumed she said yes.
    I got on my bike and rode.
    A strange song came playing over my radio, that I liked to listen to while riding.
    It was creepy.
    I was soon there.
    As soon as I walked into town, a remix-sounding song was playing.
    I hated it.
    I ran for the tower.
    Inside, the same thing that was on my radio was playing.
    It made me go outside, get back on my bike and go.
    A girl saw me.
    "Do you believe in ghosts?" She asked.
    "No," I said, eager to leave.
    "Ohh, then that white hand on your shoulder, it must be my imagination.
    I checked my shoulder.
    Nothing there.
    I started off on my bike.
    I couldn't move.
    I couldn't turn my radio off.
    I was going straight.
    Off a cliff.
    The tune playing in my ears.
    This was it..
    I went off.
    And landed on a ledge below.
    I rode home as fast as I could.
    I returned... almost.
    I stowed away on a ship to another region.
    I threw my radio overboard.
    I went on to a new life.

    I couldn't live.
    I returned.
    I came back.
    I was there.
    The girl saw me.
    "Do you believe in ghosts now?" She asked.
    "Yes," I told her.
    The music soothed me now.
    I was at peace.
    I still had something to do.
    I got on my bike.
    I rode away.
    There was one thing
    I had to.
    I rode faster.
    And faster.
    This was it.
    I was alive.
    I was dead.
    It no longer mattered.
    I was going away.
    from that place.
    To the cliff
    Not to be saved.
    To die.
    Lavender Town.