• Brand new day and Portal opened from mafia place. Big Phil that has been dressing in a black suit meets up with his Bodyguard.
    Phil Bodyguard says: Phil how did you know I was here. I told you ill be back when this mission is done.
    Future Big Phil says: Im From the future. I was ment to be in this time zone to stop something. I cant tell my past just yet but ive need your help my old friend.
    Phil Bodyguard says: Help with what im kinda busy right now cant you tell.
    Future Big Phil says: In my time slavery was starting to happen. I made a Pardox for myself to stop this.
    Mafian guy says: Hey we need no wise guy telling us about the damn future. This is the damn future caapeesh.
    Future Big Phil says: If you say so. Think about it because one day freedom will be all lost.
    Then Future Big Phil left from the portal.
    Mafian guy says: Who was that guy.
    Phil Bodyguard says: A friend of mine that ive work with. Lets bring the boxes in the car.
    meanwhile the Slayers still planning on what to do against Devilknight.
    Big Phil says: You guys are going to laugh. My bodyguard message me saying he say a future of me wanting his help.
    Master Husseem says: What I want to know is why your future self is time traveling to this time zone. Something may have happen in the future and he may want us to stop it now.
    Jason says: I thought you post to have a pardox thing with you in case that happens so that way Big Phil future wouldnt be erased.
    20 says: My own people had a pardox machine just in case my parents would change history it did by what me and 19 has done. wasnt for me and him. World would been gone by Devilking. On aother parauniverse earth was gone on April 2007 by Devilking.
    Jason says: but in this universe i took devilking down that same time of the month. But why is Big Phil doing this something must be going on.
    Master Husseem says: This mite also be devilknight's trap.
    Big Phil says: There no way i would work for devilknight, so how would that be a trap.
    Master Husseem says: I hate to say this but Phil this is your job to see what your future wants.
    Big Phil says: I thought you said its forbidden to know the future.
    Master Husseem says: This could be important to our lives. How would you come from the future knowing where your bodyguard was at.
    meanwhile big phil from the future came back.
    Future Big Phil says: Hello Phil.
    Big Phil says: Your really me. Wow i have changed.
    Future Big Phil says: Yes I have. The world in my time is chaos.
    Big Phil says: What is going on there.
    Future Big Phil says: Goverment dont care about its people. everyone been put to camps by not obeying. Demons are patroling the areas. they kill anyone that disobey the laws.
    Big Phil says: How that Possible how do we stop it.
    Future Big Phil says: Satan has been running around the world. He is the Law and those the disobey it will die.
    Big Phil says: But how come you arent in camps or anywhere.
    Future Big Phil says: The Slayers had no choice to leave the planet to make our own base somewhere else so we can build stronger but it was no use and this is why im here to stop this all happening. I need your help.
    Big Phil says: What do i have to do.
    Future Big Phil says: Follow me.
    Meanwhile the phil's are trying to stop the future demons plan. the Slayers are planning to do something.
    Jason says: Husseem how do we know we can trust big phil future. You sure that is really him.
    Master Husseem says: Relax we need to know what we are dealing with. If its a Demon then we will get him lets pretend to follow it. til we really know.
    Jason says: This doesnt sound good. Those demons pull more tricks. I dont trust the Future Big Phil.
    Master Husseem says: My Senses aint picking up anything.
    Jason says: We need to keep our eyes open.
    Meanwhile devilking got a Body off the grave.
    Gendruff says: Whats with you bring these guys back to life. Even someone that used to be an enemie of me. Also a friend.
    Devilking says: Urta needs another chance in life. Sar and Zo were just like him. Students of Master Husseem. We need to get many as allies as we can. I just feel a strong sense of evil coming.
    Gendruff says: Could be Devilknight and his brothers planning something.
    Devilking uses his power to bring urta back to life.
    Urta says: Where am I.
    Devilking says: Your back to life. Time to rejoin with Sar and Zo and Master Husseem.
    Urta says: Only you two. Ok now I must be dreaming.
    Devilking says: How come i was able to restore yourself. Wasnt for Saberous put a power in me. I wouldnt have bring People back to life.
    Urta says: So Jason found the Arch Angel Spirit of Saberous. Thats great news.
    Now lets get back with big phil and his future.
    Big Phil says: This is a GraveYard with a Gate.
    Future Big Phil says: Have you heard about the 6 gates. Thats one of them. the First one was open way back in 1991 of april. this is the fifth one that hasnt been open just as the others.
    Big Phil says: but why are we here.
    Dogs start barking everywhere.
    Future Big Phil says: Hell Hounds very Powerful Dogs but very Demonic.
    Hell WereWolf Leader says: Back away or die
    ends the episode.