• One day I was at my house playing games at 11:55 but that night was Halloween I heard that every night a ghost killer comes in your house and kills your whole family but I didn’t believe that so I ignored it. I fell asleep and I kept my TV on and my parents had already been asleep I woke up from a sound coming from the living room.
    But also as I woke up my TV was on I could of swore I kept it on. I opened my door a little bit and peeked my head out the door the noise I heard sounded like a drawer opening . I went into the kitchen and checked all the drawers the spoons were good the forks were good but the knives where all messed up they were everywhere. And there was one missing the butcher knife. I was terrified. The thought of killer in our house with a butcher knife was so horrifying. I turned the lights on and I saw a note on the kitchen table saying :”hello I left you a present in your basement go down there and see for you self” I opened the basement door and walked down the stairs with fear.
    I heard laughter and crying at the same time all coming from one spot. It was coming from the corner of basement but right in front of the stairs was my gift. I opened it up and it was…. It was…. It was my mom and dads heads! I freaked out and screamed and as I screamed the laughing and crying stopped from the corner. As I kept walking I felt cool breeze pass my shoulder. I looked at the light coming from the window and there was a girl shaped form I looked totally at it and it was a little girl with no eyes demon claws and a knife and she was all bloody and she held a possessed doll.
    I blinked once and she was gone. Suddenly I felt breathing down my neck. Slowly turned around and…
    No one knows what happened next not even me but they say on Halloween it comes back at 12:00 and it kills every kid that says the doll and the girl 3 times

    If you mock her and say that 3 times she’ll get you!