Rise Of Saberous Episode 9
On a raining night time a person walked in a painting story to see there greatest painter in the city.
Customer says: Wow I love all this painting.
Von DeGee says: Art comes from the Heart my friend. What your very good at ya can show to the world.
Customer says: Whats that painting.
Von DeGee says: Oh some guy didnt want it and gave it too me too sell it, Just came out today.
Customer says: Seems very dark, The Person seems to be the walking dead there a name under it. The Zombie King.
Von DeGee says: If you want it you can take it. Really dont want it to drag away customers.
Customer says: Oh ill take it.
Then later on that night while the customer was driving back home he heard a noise. he looks around see's nothing but a picture and saw that the zombie is gone.
Customer says: Thats good.
Then Zombie pops up behind the seat and attacks the customer.
The Next day few Slayers came to check it out.
Officer says: What you boys doing here.
Big Phil says: We are here to investagate a murder case.
Officer says: Follow me, Now we dont know what happen but the guy seems too lose all his blood. and he seems to be taking this picture with him.
Phil Bodyguard says: Looks like a castle with a grave yard. Phil look at the name under there. Zombie king. Strange I dont see a Zombie in this picture.
Officer says: Thats what we thought, But I dont think a zombie would come out of a picture and attack someone.
Phil Bodyguard says: I think we will check on this picture, Do you know any painting sells anywhere.
Officer says: Yes but I dont think Von DeGee has nothing to do with this murder case he just an old friendly Fellow that loves art.
Phil and his bodyguard checks around the painting place.
Von DeGee says: Very strange there was a zombie in that painting very odd that its gone.
Big Phil says: We wonder if you did this painting.
Von Degee says: Oh Dear no. I wouldnt do such a thing. I got it from a strange man.
Phil Bodyguard says: What strange man would that be.
Von DeGee says: He was wearing a cape.
Phil Bodyguard says: Do this for us dont accept anything from that man. What was in that painting is still out there some where.
Von DeGee says: I dont get it paintings dont come back to life.
Big Phil says: This Sounds very demonic. THat guy has to be a demon.
Von DeGee says: A Demon, what am I gonna do if he comes back he mite try and kill me.
Phil Bodyguard says: We will call for back up to watch over you. Right now we need to find this man and the zombie or this town gonna be Zombie town and with 100 Population we need to save everyone as we can. Let me call my boss.
Master Husseem says: Found anything yet?
Phil Bodyguard says: Yes a Zombie is out loose somewhere we got a killer painter out around this town.
Master Husseem says: A Killer painter now why is this becoming very odd. The black demon knight, Demonic Story teller and now a killer painter. ill bring Small dog and Big Mac in. Big Bull Dog on a honeymoon with his wife.
Phil Bodyguard says: Lets hope they can keep an eye with our friend.
Master Husseem says: Im also getting 19 and 20 in the case as well. And Big Phil better not play beat up 19, 19 times again.
Phil Bodyguard says: Nothing new with that.
later on phil and his bodyguard check around town in the night time. Then Big mac and small dog come around town as well.
Big Mac says: Dude check out those ladies having a slumber party.
Small Dog says: Dream on there no way you getting out to flirt with more girls.
Big Mac says: Fine but can I still watch.
Small Dog says: You post to be watching out for a strange man going to the painting store not a Slumber party you idiot.
Big Mac says: This job is unfair.
Small Dog says: Do you perfer them as a zombie slumber party.
Big Mac says: F that, then it would be why lets munch on that buff sexy dude.
Small Dog says: Then watch the store.
while they were watching a zombie comes out too the street.
Big Mac says: Dude look at that strange drunk walking person i wonder if he gonna do something stupid.
Small Dog says: Its a zombie you idiot.
Big Mac says: Zombies get drunk?
Small dog calls for back up and gets out of the car. then grabs his sword and a colt 45. ends up shooting the zombie then start slaying it.
Big Mac says: You know i aint cleaning that up.
Small dog says: We gonna put tape around its mouth so it wont bite no one and we gonna put all its remains to few boxes so it wont get out.
Big Mac says: Thats a great idea.
Small dog says: ill take the head you take the body in the boxes.
Big Phil calls jason.
Big Phil says: Jason do you know any demons or monsters that can turn paintings into killers.
Jason says: I dont think I have faced a demon that could do that. Why is there one?
Big Phil says: Yes this Von DeGee says he didnt do it but there a was strange man with a cape.
meanwhile phil telling jason what is going on. 19 and 20 finds a abandon house.
20 says: This place looks like a demon layer.
19 says: Lets hope we dont be painted to death.
20 says: 19 chill out, This mite be the place.
20 calls the rest of the time.
20 says: Guys we found abandon house that we mite think that this strange person lives at.
then 20 and 19 walks in the building.
The Demon Painter says: Took you guys long enough. Look at all this art. Its so good you can Die for it.
20 says: So your the painter that turns this nightmare to life.
The Demon Painter says: Correct but you should know that my art is very strong my army is born by the art i do.
19 says: I think artist should keep there paintings alive not death.
The Demon Painter says: Now where the fun of that. You guys want peace, Blah peace is boring. Horror is so much fun.
Jason says: There nothing fun about it. You Demon's may not seem to work together but you all agree about doing so much evil things.
The Demon Painter says: And Guess who talking the Utimate chosen one. You Realize He is back.
Jason says: Who'se back?
The Demon Painter says: You will find out soon enough.
Jason says: Who is back.
The Demon Painter says: I dont wanna give it out. Your have to find out by yourself.
Jason says: You better tell me or ill burn every of your paintings.
The Demon Painter says: Oh really then you better kill them first.
The monsters and demons come out in the painting to try and kill the slayers.
20 says: Just great there are everywhere.
The Demon Painter says: Well its been fun boys but I think you guys got your work being dealt with.
The Demon disappears.
Jason says: Damn it he left. Lets all stay together and slay all these monsters.
Jason grabs his swords and starts attacking one by one. and 19 and 20 starts shooting.
Big phil says: Guess who its Phil. lets take these dumbies back where they post to be.
Big mac and small dog drives in.
Big Mac says: Sounds like a blast in there.
Small Dog says: You idiot there a fighting going on lets go in and help.
The slayers start slaying more monsters and demons. Jason tells the others to keep slaying jason got a visiter to see.
Von DeGee says: Hello sir may i help you.
Jason says: I know its you that is doing this.
Von DeGee says: Doing what.
Jason says: Witch craft you summon a Demon to do art that kills people.
Von DeGee says: I didnt mean for this to happen.
Jason says: Well its becoming so bad my friends are out there killing its army. where did you find its remains.
Von DeGee says: Its very hard to say it.
Jason says: Just tell me i can stop this.
Von DeGee says: I thought I begged the person that i wanna bring art to make people happy I wasnt so good at it before and I wanted this man to bless me to make art very great. It all went wrong later on the week The guy turn as a demon and told me I gave my soul too him. And he says If i put a stop too this he will kill me.
Jason says: Who'se this dealer ill call him out.
Von DeGee says: He didnt say who his name was.
Then a ArchDemon came and stabbed the guy.
Jason says: You killed him.
ArchDemon says: Yes his bargen failed now its time to kill you as well.
Jason eyes turn flashy blue.
ArchDemon says: Whats this.
Then Jason turns the archdemon as a Art painting getting stabbed by a angel and sealed the painted as a Jail.
Jason walks back in the House.
Big Phil says: They are all dead but the Demon Painter has excape.
Jason says: We got bigger problems i Just killed an ArchDemon he already stuck in a new painting. dont worry i put the devils trap in the painting so no demon can let the archdemon get out. eather way burn the painting the archdemon is vanished. But we need to find that demon painter and the Dealer.
Big Mac says: Just great more crap to deal with.
that ends the episode.
Rise Of Saberous Episode 9
Season 1 Episode 9 The Art of Death.
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