• Plopping down in the chair with a sigh of great satisfaction, and a role of my eyes. you have no idea how it feels to finaly relax after a day of being kidnapped, being thrown through time and space, finding out that i need to save the world from forces still unknown, and almost losing my lunch more then once, ya it feels great. i watched the screen roar to life, with the violin playing in harmony as the PS3 home menu faded into the screen. i quicly navagated my way to the game section, scroling down...and yes my little friend. so there i saw the little GTA symbol beconing my name. and so i clicked. hourse of shooting random pedestrians and hitting hookers with bats untill the little green glowing money comes out passed by in seconds, and before i knew it i was dead asleep. i woke up to loud knocking ringing in my ears, i opened my eyes only to be stung by bright light. i looked at the screen it read "WASTED" well crap i died...wait. were am i!? then the memorie of yesterday waltsed into my head. i was hoping that it would all be a dream, but god forbid anything went that well for me. it was Travy at my door "Yo, Alex! Get up! Come on rise n' shine girl!" he walked in seeing my looking around in bewhilderment at him and the exclaimed "Oh! Alex! Didnt Lex tell you not to play them games! Cmon' get ready we got training to get to!" oh yes training, woot...i rushed up to the loft and found the dresser with all my cloths in it...how? i slipped into a pair of grey skinny jeens and a white tank top and put a sweatshirt over it. i ran down the stairs were Travy was waiting. i looked up at him with sleepy eyes and said in slurred words "k'...les' get going..." and with a loud yawn i followed him out the door, how this happened i didnt know but instead of all the tents and benches and what not that were there yesterday, they had targets and dummys set up and people...wait...they have swords and their..fighting each other? what i did i just into some weird midevil novel or something? god im so confused...WOW holly crap it a freaking tiger! Travy said "ok Alex see that guy over there?" he pointed to a big buff looking guy"go to him he'll give you a sword and a sheild then you get back to me. k'?"