• Chapter 3

    I quickly hid my hairpins in my dress, no one would care enough to look. I pretended to stare out the window when the door creaked open.

    “Angel? Are you feeling alright?”

    I looked over at Rian. “I’m fine, but I don’t see why you’re so concerned.”, I crossed my arms over my chest, “Why are you so concerned Rian?”

    “I’m not.”

    I smirked, “Sure, that’s why when I was in so much pain, you looked just as equally hurt, and that’s also why you’re in here now, because you’re so unconcerned.”

    He looked taken back. “Alright, yes. I’m concerned. Happy?”

    I sighed and slid to the floor, “No. Why are you so concerned? I didn’t think you cared for me at all anymore.” I looked away from him.

    Rian walked in and shut the door, the lights went out. “I forgot about those damn lights!”
    He sat down next to me. “What made you think I didn’t care for you anymore Angel?”

    “That girl with you, in your room a while ago. I thought you were seeing someone else. At least that’s what your mother had told me, seeing that girl was all the proof I needed.”

    “What?! She was a planer my father sent in to speak to me about my coronation. I would never cheat on you! And my mother told you I was?! Why would she do that?”

    “Actually, now that I think about it, it makes sense. Your mother and father hate me, I bet they were looking for a reason to pull us apart.”

    He sighed, “It does make sense, but I don’t want to talk about them right now.”

    “Then what do you want to talk about?”, I looked at him confused.

    His full lips drew up in a sad smile. “How much I’ve missed seeing your beautiful face and how much I’ve wanted to see you.” He stroked my face with the back of his hand.

    I closed my eyes and let the tears flow for the first time since I left him, “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” I put my hand over his and opened my eyes. “I’ve always loved you Rian and it hurt so bad to leave you.”

    “You didn’t show it.”

    “I know, but I really thought you were cheating on me.”

    “Well I guess my parents have a knack for getting people to believe what they want them to. I don’t know why they wanted us apart so badly, we could’ve brought our kingdoms together.”

    “Maybe they didn’t want the kingdoms to come together. Maybe they just want to conquer mine and have it all for themselves.”

    “But your people wouldn’t be defeated easily.”, he smiled, “Like you.”

    I returned his smile, “My father always told me that the people of your kingdom are only as strong as you are.”

    “Then my people must be as strong as a new born kitten.”, he looked grimly at me.

    I put both my hands on either side of his face, “Not if you were their leader.” I pulled him closer and kissed him, he was so warm and his lips were so soft.

    Then, I heard the door knob begin to twist, “Damn it!”, Rian whispered harshly against my lips.

    “The bathroom.” I let him go and he shut the bathroom door just as Helen opened the cell door.