• Back Again


    “Sorry, Sir, we didn’t know you had a… Guest,” the short one said with his eyes on me.
    My eyes narrowed at his suggestive tone. I didn’t like this guy already and I had only been in the same room for five minutes. He was a little too cocky for my liking.
    “What do you guys want?” Seth asked angrily.
    “We’ve come to talk to you about the watch,” the blondie said, a smile now coming back to his face. He seemed nice out of the three but I’ve been wrong about guys before.
    “And you forgot how to knock on a door?” Seth said, raising one eyebrow.
    All three looked dumbfounded; I smiled slowly at their expressions. Ha, they hadn’t thought of that and now seemed to be in trouble with Seth. Or scared of him at least.
    “Er, sorry, boss. We’ll be quick, promise, and then you can get back to whatever you were doing,” the short one said.
    My smile faded into a glare at him, and I finally piped up. “What do you mean by that?”
    He flashed his teeth, in what you could barely call a smile, at me. “Nothing out of the normal for a woman like you.”
    I crossed my arms and pushed myself away from the desk. “What... Do... You... Think... You’re... Talking... About?”
    He mimicked my stance. “It’s obvious.”
    I was up in his face before he finished the sentence. “Go on, say it. I dare you,” I growled.
    He blinked at my sudden appearance. “How… How did you –”
    “Give up, Felix, you won’t win,” Seth said, standing up from the chair. He went to say something; it looked like he was going to say my name so I stopped him before he could.
    Don’t! Don’t call me by my name, please, I projected to him.
    He shot a glance at me then looked back at the guys. “I’m going to find a room for Miss Kane, and I would suggest you wait here.”
    Felix stared at me; I stared back not wanting to show this cocky a*****e any weakness that I had. Around people that didn’t know me and people that I didn’t like, I tended to be more stand offish towards them. Unlike how I was to Seth and my family members.
    “Felix, move,” Seth said as he came up behind me.
    He stared then looked up at Seth and pursed his lips. “Yes, Sir,” he said and moved to the side.
    The blondie smiled at me, I gave him a small smile back as I passed. I liked him, he was nice… or maybe he just wanted to get in my pants. The brunette just stared, not saying anything as we left the room.


    There was something about that woman that was really disturbing me, it was sending shivers of bad vibes up my spine. Alarm bells were going off in my head; my psychometry senses were going left, right and centre with screams telling me to touch her.
    I panicked. Is my power not working? Is it failing?!
    I tap into my psychic energy and use it to see Noah. I can see him clearly but next to him, there is a giant blank spot of nothing. Noah is talking to the spot, saying something like ‘you should have told me’. I don’t understand why I can’t see this person. Is it the blonde? Why is he so friendly with her?
    The vision fades and I sigh in defeat. But before I can control it, another hits me. This time it’s the past.
    I see Noah again but this time he’s younger, a teenager. This is before I met him; he’s not moping or sad. He’s in high school, or at least I think he is. He’s waiting by a car, leaning against it while looking around. Finally he spots what he’s waiting for.
    Tory!” he calls.
    A blonde girl turns towards him, her eyes so familiar. She smiles and it’s happy. She runs towards him and stops just in front. “What are you doing here? Don’t you have a lesson?” she asks.
    He smiles. “I do but I skipped.
    Noah!” she exclaims, giving him an evil look.
    I needed to see my girl,” he said, giving her puppy dog eyes.
    I’m taken back. This can’t be Noah. Where’s the surly man that I know?
    She softens. “Fine, I won’t tell,” she says, putting a finger to her lips and winking.
    Good, ‘cause I have a great afternoon planned. Wouldn’t want you to ruin it,” he jokes, taking her hand and pecking her on the lips.
    She giggles, pulls away and heads for the car. “Let’s go, Drake,” she says seductively.
    Noah grins and gets in the car. They drive off and the vision fades as I come back to Felix yelling.
    “What the hell?! That woman has Seth wrapped around her little finger,” Felix said, drawing me away from thoughts or her.
    “Just get over it, Felix,” Sebastian said as he flopped into the closet chair.
    “********, I can’t! She just embarrassed me!” Felix said, pacing.
    Sebastian rolled his eyes. “It’s just a woman, and maybe she did embarrass you but get over it already.”
    I leaned back against the wall with my arms crossed over my chest, just watching Felix pace back and forth. I was with Sebastian on this one; she was just a woman with no significance to us other than that she was connected to Seth. I couldn’t comprehend why Seth was putting her up in a room. But the vision made me even more confused.
    Was this blonde and Tory the same person? They looked alike and sounded the same. But why was Seth protecting her like this? Unless she was human but it didn’t seem like it. Noah and her knew each other too well.
    “Earth to Shaun… Shaun!” Something flicked my ear, hard.
    “Ow!” I said, cupping my ear and looking up to Felix. “What the hell was that for?”
    “So you are alive in there; you weren’t answering me,” he said with a shrug.
    I took my hand away. “Well you didn’t have to flick me, Felix. What do you want?”
    “Did you get anything from her with your psychometry?”
    “No, I didn’t,” I answered with a frown.
    “Nothing? Maybe you’ll ha –” He stopped mid sentence as the door opened and Noah Drake walked in the room. “Hey, Noah! You’ll never –” He stopped again because behind Noah was Seth.
    “I’ll never what?” Noah asked as he walked further in; he mustn’t have noticed the door not shutting yet.
    “You’ll want to know that I found a woman with a useful power,” Seth said, staring at Felix.
    Now that was a shock, he hadn’t said anything about her having a power. Not even a mention of a power to us, but then that explained why she wasn’t afraid of Felix and had the guts to call him out.
    “Really?” Noah said, turning towards Seth as he walked in and shut the door.
    “Yeah, and she’s fine too,” Sebastian said with a stupid smile.
    “Okay, who’s going to train her then?” Noah asked.
    Felix had suddenly gone quiet, I guess being in the presence of the Commander’s son and the highest-ranking officer would be a bit daunting. Both were also giving off vibes like if someone was to piss them off right now, they would lose their heads.
    “She won’t need it but enough about her. How’s Maddie?” I said, popping in at the awkward silence.
    Noah made a face. “Fine. She just wanted to stay with me or to have me go with her.” He snorted and rolled his eyes. “Like that was going to happen.”
    I nodded, being the best friend that I am. “I guess she would want that, either way she would be with you like you’re joined to the hip.”
    Seth had moved to his desk by now and he seemed to be staring at some picture that was on it. I don’t know who it was of but it affected him.
    “What did you want to tell me boys?” Seth asked as he looked away.
    Sebastian looked at Noah. “Mr. Commander there can go first.”
    Noah rolled his eyes again. “Thanks Mr. Man Slut.” Bastian laughed. “I just wanted to say that I got a call from Jamie’s base, he’s coming home.”
    Seth’s eyebrows rose. “Really? So he’s finished over there then?”
    “I don’t know, I was just told that he was coming back,” Noah said, crossing his arms.
    “I’ll follow that up then,” Seth said, noting it down. “Now you guys.”
    “Just letting you know that NightDust are crawling around the city,” Felix said from behind me.
    “They’re everywhere but there’s no trace of a specific one,” Bastian added in.
    “No trace, but life shadows?” Seth asked.
    “Sounds like they’re hiding to me,” I said with a shrug.
    “Yeah, something doesn’t sound right,” Noah added.
    “Look into it, after everyone is rested and has eaten,” Seth said, noting something else down.
    “Sure. Hey Felix, you feel up to some training tonight?” Noah said, punching his shoulder.
    He smiled. “You bet, Drake!” They left without another word to us.
    Bastian unfolded himself from the chair. “Well I’m hungry. Come on, big guy, let’s get some chow.”
    As he went to the door, I looked at Seth. I had so many things I wanted to ask him, but personally, I doubted that he would answer any of them anyway. With one more glance behind me, I followed the others out the room.

    - I was back but I wouldn’t be the timid little girl that I was, no, no Drake Agent would hurt me again.