- We all started to walk slowly ahead down the trail to what looked like an opening or clearing. The sun peered down onto three abandoned houses. Suddenly music began to play out of nowhere. Nobody knew where it was coming from, but it sounded like one of the houses. There was a clearing we were in and then the top of a triangle forming the shape of the houses together. I kept looking around the woods and looking back trying to figure out where it was coming from. Was someone playing music in the woods, was someone in the house, what was going on. “Go check it out” they said to her. She thought it was part of a joke going on and she was getting tricked into it. So she walked over to the house acting like she had no clue what was going on. Everyone focused on her closely from a distance as she casually walked toward the house. She walked right up to one of the houses and stepped over a collapsed wall. Then she started to laugh and we all wondered why. “Real funny guys, I know what you’re doing!” “What are we doing?” “You did this right…. Right?” “Uh… did any of you do it?” Everyone looked at each other confused as she was looking at something shouting back to us. In seconds she screamed and went to run out of the house. She tripped over the wall falling face first into the dirt. Right away we all ran to help her up, a girl in distress, who wouldn’t? We all helped her up and tried to calm her down. “Uh… guys… take a look at this” one of the guys said. Nobody walked over so I did. What’s that smell I started to think? The stench was extremely strong and maggots were flying everywhere near the wall. I walked up to the wall and looked over it at a table. I stood still, frozen for a moment, not sure how to react. I couldn’t react, it was impossible to explain how I felt at that very moment. The other guy looking at it too just looked back at me and waved his hand in front of me to see if I was okay. Trying to make me phase out of what I was in. I shook my head and just looked back at the body. The body was sliced in half down the middle with what looked like chopped marks, probably from an axe. I started to slowly back up still unsure of how to react. I just couldn’t at all, so I didn’t. Not a mute, but definitely unable to talk right now. I didn’t know whether to run or freeze either. Everyone looked now and two girls began crying, while the two other guys just didn’t know what to do. We all grouped together in a circle in the same condition. Nobody knew what to do, should we run away and act like it never happened? Should we call the cops? What do we do? One girl walked off away from us off into the shade. The sun was already down and the dark was taking over. Soon we wouldn’t even be able to find our way back. We barely even noticed her walk off since we were all in our own mental state; barely even stable. Even in this state, I heard a few rocks move down a trail. I looked toward the trail that we came from and there was a man there. He was in black clothing and I couldn’t see his figure. He was holding something in both hands; it couldn’t be, could it? He started walking closer and closer to the girl off in the shadows. I tried to yell to warn her but I just couldn’t I shoved one of the guys and pointed toward her. Right as we both looked back at her he was behind her and he lifted the axe with both hands, and forced it downward onto her head. As if he was splitting wood. Right as the axe came down I closed my eyes for a few seconds, then hoped she didn’t get hit and reopened my eyes to see her tremble to the floor. After seeing that I yelled, “RUN!!!” and everyone ran toward the trail right next to him. We passed right by him and he didn’t even act as if he cared. Like he knew what was going to happen. That we were going to get lost, as we did. We ran around the bend, around another turn, jumped over a log, and kept running until we all ran out of breath. I looked around and nothing looked familiar. After all, it was just a ton of trees, but nothing at all looking familiar. In the distance I could see a flash light moving slowly along. It was too dark to see now if it was him or not.

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