• Chapter 2 part 1

    "Yes Mom, I understand mom, I know mom, its just so much to deal with mom" Thoes same words I say over and over like a record player as I silently close her office door and walk upstairs too my bedroom, So I ran away for what seemed like 20 minutes to them but to me i wished it was five years. The little small bunnies at my feet seem to be carring me up to my room The shadow's have been silence for now, im glad theyve decided to go and bug someone else for awhile. I sigh when my head hits the soft soft pillows Nina is at the foot of the bed warming my feet even more. "You know A near-death experience can take alot out of a person" Brianna says, Shes wearing black poka dotted pajama's and a Sleeping cap I didnt know they still made thoes...She has her black fur boots on and a skyblue scarf around her throat and white mittens that match the scarf. "Well Hardy har har har very funny"I saw I think Nina can sense Brianna to cause whenever im with Nina and Brianna shows up he gets excited and licks her hand or barks happily at her. Brianna smiled and kissed Nina on the head "It wasent a joke it was a fact, a statement" She corrected me. She sat at the end of the bed and sighed "So we gonna have our little monthly sleep over?" she asks smiling at me and yet agian I cant help to smile back "I dont know If the gaurds come up and find me talking to myself ill be thrown in the nutt house for sure"I said only imagining how mom would react if she saw me laughing like a lunitic with no one else in the room. "Aww comeon! please?!?" She pulls out hte puppy eyes and right along with her Nina is doing the sam thing. I think Nina likes it when Brianna is here it makes her feel happy,normal.....Like I used to be when she was around. "Fine I guess but dont be pulling pranks on fat jack harry"I say smiling. Brianna laughs a small laugh that sounds like only a ghost can make, it sorta echos and makes me jump she floats into the air and crosses her ankels together like shes sitting on the bed...only in the air " Dont worry I wont Fat jack jerry was last month remember?! This month its crazy killer kate" She says and grins "NO brianna!"I whisper but shes already flying down the hallway.I stop half way looking around the corner into the kitchen seeing my mom in the kicthen drinking tea and reading a book. Brianna chuckled and walked into the living room and ran past her making a short wind hit her face. My mom looked around confused I stuffed a laughed and watched Brianna Slam her book shut and practily tripped her. Ok I know its not nice to have your ghosts friends mess with your parents but I utterly hate them and They hate me too. While my mom tried to get herself up Brianna and I Ran into my room knowing my mom would come up to see if I caused all thoes weird things. I had a deck of red cards infront of me playing solitare when she walked in, "Dont stay up to late"She said looking at me like a lab rat I smiled and waved "I wont"I saw Brianna and I burst out laughing when she finaly left. "Now if you dont mind" Brianna says taking out a bag of popcorn, a movie and soda "Lets get this sleepover started!"