• every night, still restless. how can he do it? just sit there, sleeping, not even worried about an attack. everytime the wind blows, the door creaks, or the floor moans, im up. shaking like a dog. the world has gone to the dogs now. i was born in after it happened- i dont know of the past, other than stories. but there was a time, that was humain compared to now. then you didnt hide from humans- they were your friends. now if you dont have a quick finger, and a fast gun, your dead.
    i never had to kill one of them. one of these.. monsters. the undead, is the term i guess. though more commonly known as zombies in our group.
    john, who takes care of me, as im only 14, always tells me, if a zombie bites me, bite him back. hes always the comic. lightening the mood. or atliest trying. right now, were edgy. the group i mean. were running low on ammo, and food. plus traveling on foot doesnt really make anyone happier. were always getting on each others nerves. im frightened when john gets yelled at. he protected me when i spilt the milk, and almost got himself killed. we dont like wasting supplies.
    john tells me of the times, when you shook a mans hand, not shot it off.
    but its hard to think of the good-time stories, because my mind is always clouded with that memory....