• This cannot be happening. This is exactly what I tried to obviate. There was no trenchant premonition to this. It cannot be happening.

    The Gold Dragon stood motionless. She had taken down most of the Heavens’ side herself, but one of them had her paralyzed. The wound by her collarbone was becoming worse. Her eyes wandered across the field. No one was standing. In addition, it was impossible that Nyghtmare had come back. However, Salus and Ributhneron were strong enough. There was a screech and a long silence. Then another short screech followed by a longer one. It is torturing me. Whatever it is, is torturing me, the Gold Dragon thought. I need to find that egg. A violet dragon swooped down, and then undulated its wings upward. “You dreaded Pyfyrenitus!” she roared, swinging her forepaw up and snatching the smaller dragon by the wings. Pyfyrenitus did not have an accouterment that repelled dragon claws, and blood splattered like rain as the wounds increasingly became rags on her wings. “Now, tell me where Salus is!” Gold roared in Pyfyrenitus’s face.
    Weakly, Pyfyrenitus replied, “I would never tell you, even if it was the end of the world.” Gold looked her in the eye and said, “Then I shall make it so.” Gold threw Pyfyrenitus at the cliff and launched into an updraft as Pyfyrenitus had hit the ground. Her breath was coming in short gasps and nearing death. Gold flew above the land that was near barren. She was then above the forest that had not yet burned when she sensed the aura of Salus, and the egg. Below, Salus was under the giant shadow, running from Gold, and trying to save the egg that she had stolen. Gold descended fast, and Salus was out of time. Salus threw the egg into the water, and it went down the waterfall. Salus never was able to say good-bye to the egg, but she was not able to say good-bye to Iydrys or Shayunslys either, before Gold took them. Gold landed nearby, shattering Salus‘s thoughts. “I know you’re here Salus,” she whispered, which sounded like a harsh scream.
    “And I know you are there Maldfih,” Salus replied. Maldfih turned right at Salus and growled, “May a thousand curses come upon you for saying my name in vain.” “Put as many curses as you want, but when I’m alive, I will always be here to show you who’s in preponderance to you,” Salus replied. Maldfih lunged, but Salus had intercepted the water‘s flow, and allowed the flow to drag her downstream.