- The girl that had no name surely had a face... She had hands that felt; feet that tread the earth beneath them, but... She lived in a world outside this one. A place where mommy's boy toys didn't hurt her. and touch her where they shouldn't. Where mommy didn't live in her room.. Where the door thats between them didn't exist, where she was loved; and she was hugged.. A place without limitations of reality, it's there in her special place. They hit her where the bruises wont show, but her teachers know that there's something wrong, that her recession into fantasy became more and more focused. The kids at school laughed at her, because her head was covered in scabs from the beatings. Noticeable? Not entirely... But it hurt... It hurt just the same. She bled for them, and she accepted this as love, but inside she felt it was wrong; that a little girl shouldn't have felt this way. She cried, and begged for him to stop; but the damage had already been done. She bled again, and he left in a panic; unable to deal with her screaming and whimpering. The girl with no name limped to the bathroom, her pain was unbearable, but she hid in her safe place and kept pushing. She grabbed a towel to stop the bleeding, then her mother walked into the bathroom. The girl got excited to see her, but she's drunk, and stared darkly at her and the blood soaked towel. She was holding a bottle behind her back, and she swung it at her, bashing her in the face with it; breaking some of her teeth in the process. Her mother manages to slur that she's a whore, and something about dirty towels, but in her safe place her mom slowly caressed her cheek, she cared here... All the girl could do was cry. Cry until there was nothing left... She fell asleep, and what awaited her when she awoke was a bright, fresh day. Her mom forced her to stay home from school and ice her face, so she did, afraid of what would come if she protested. These black and blue marks, and cuts were only temporary, because inside she's twice as beautiful... At least thats what her other mommy said. She felt cold, her body automatically shivered even though the weather was wonderful. It hurt to walk, so she lay in bed; that was the first time he had ever hurt her so badly. Mommy just called her a liar, and hit her that much harder. The girl burrowed deeper into her mind, she told herself that this wasn't her life, that all of this is happening to someone else. It had been ten days since she was raped, and her pain was so bad that she's in her safe place almost all day, but today is special... Today she gets to go back to school. She fought back the unbearable pain and went anyway, the teachers immediately noticed her dissociation from the other students, acting as if they weren't there at all.. A teacher approached her, noticing the small scratches and the remnant of bruises. All the girl could do was look at her when she asked about her face. She felt as if her privates would burst at any moment. She started to hyperventilate and shake uncontrollably, as if she were about to seize. Everything went black, it was as if the whole world disappeared when she closed her eyes, but in her case it did; she could truly go anywhere.The night sky shown above, blue darkness embracing her in it's starry expanse. She appeared before her other mother and asked where she was, the mother replied that she's inside the safe place, but it was strange... There were oval windows that looked out to an opulent forest, that was bathed ever gently with the sun that hung low in the sky, it soothed her... Comforted her. Outside the room she heard voices, and sirens. She honestly wondered what would become of that poor sick girl without a name. The other mother looked giddily at her, and held her hands; telling her to listen to the voices outside the room. There were two voices, one was asking where the girl's parents were, and the other was talking out loud over some lab notes. Her body was shutting down, he said something that sounded like 'sepsis' and that her body was either too weak, or had given up on fighting the bacteria... It was if the will to live had been drained out of it. The mother just looked at her, the girl began to cry now, her pain ever present on her unblemished face. She lead the nameless girl to the opposite corner of the room, a series of light switches were lined up on the wall. The mother explained that each switch was magical, that when she turned off all the switches; she'd go to sleep and never have to worry about anyone hurting her ever again. The girl hesitated, but she soon began to turn off the switches one by one.. The voices grew louder outside the room, as if in a panic... That was because, she was turning off her organs. The tears flowed more freely now, and all her mother did was stroke her clammy free hand, with kindness, with understanding. She approached the last switch now, the one that lead to her heart, she looked carefully at it before placing one finger on it, she felt the pressure of the doctors trying to resuscitate her, but she knew it was all in vain. She looked at her mom and smiled, and told her she didn't want to die without a name. She turned her head back to the last switch and said, "my name is-" she then flicked it off with a snap, shutting down her heart; the doctors trying so hard to bring her back... But she was free, in a world outside this one. Where love is a home, and tokens of affection are trinkets that fill your shelves, where her mother loved and appreciated her, Where she had a name. Her name, was Hope...

- Title: Her Safe Place
- Artist: Adyylae
- Description: Fiction lands another powerful blow with it's twisted perception of reality, the main character was going to be a boy, but that'd be too close to my story. And no, my abuse wasn't as severe and neither was the molestation or death... lol, obviously.. XD I'm still KICKIN!!!!
- Date: 07/13/2010
- Tags: safe place abuse molestation
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Comments (2 Comments)
- MartianSongbird - 08/31/2010
- Go you. Despite the wall of text, the story wasn't bad. A for effort.
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- broken_butterfly2 - 08/10/2010
- this is a very sad story but i like it heh :3
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