• I knew what this was, I had been awaiting this my whole life. Most the time I dreaded it. There is a prophecy that goes like this: The one who not only sees nor dreams about, but becomes thy worst nightmare. For all shall parish under the wrath of the dreamer. Choices shall choose the fate of the dreamer and the world.

    I held a pen in her hand and wrote quickly on the paper that lay in front of me which read, "Dear mother,
    I fear it is time for me to fulfill the prophecy.
    Please don't forget to feed Ensemble, or I'll
    change the worlds fate because of you!!!
    (Just kidding mom) Do not fear my fate, or worry I love you

    Dahlia Blackmoon

    I've been waiting in a cruddy hotel for three weeks, Mr. Allen was supposed to be here a LONG time ago! Maybe if i just close my eyes and go back to sleep...
    "No!!!!!" came from inside my head.
    I hate when i think so loudly, ugh. I need to stay awake, need to stay awake. "Need to stay away......"
    Cries of terror were piercing through my ears as if they were the only sound i was aloud to hear. I was in a beautiful looking place even though all i heard was terror-filled voices. All this was beautiful but ugly. When all went silent the world around me was nothing. Literally nothing. It made hope drain from my body, along with my heat.
    "Don't panic, too late. Whats my name? I forgot. Isn't it Dahlia Blackmoon? I don't know anymore. Where am I? I'm dead aren't I? I'm thirsty, i can't tell if i want coke or pepsi.." is what i thought

    I felt firm arms shake me.Saying my name. Telling me confusing things. "Dahlia! Don't stay asleep in the ghost realm! They will claim your soul! Dahlia, you can't go out like this! Leave the ghost realm!" he shouted
    Why would i want to leave?
    "Dahlia....."he paused. "Please open your eyes...There is something important i must tell you. Please Dahlia, don't do this! Your the only one who can break the curse! GET OUT OF THE GHOST REALM!"he shouted.

    I woke with a start. When i opened my eyes the most beautiful green eyes were staring down at me with the most concern. Was this Mr. Allen? He looks only seventeen. Like me. I was startled and cried out in pain because he was griping my wrists really tight. He let go with an apology.

    "Dahlia Blackmoon, I am Mr. Allen. I will be your partner, trainer, and hopefully friend in the events which are soon to come." He said with a smile on his face.
    I Barely paid any attention to a word he said. I was to busy staring at him. He was angelic looking. He had beautiful almond shaped green eyes (as mentioned before.) His hair was wavy and cut to the bottom of his earlobe, and a beautiful chocolate brown. I just wanted to feel it so bad!

    "Dahlia, are you listening? Your training starts tomorrow, the chosen day is in three months." he said