• Natalie chewed on her pencil distractedly as she stared off into space. Why? What does she have that I don't? she wondered, oblivious to the lecture her teacher was giving. It had been only two years since Lydia had entered Perimore High, and she had already made a name for herself. She wasn't very pretty, with spaced teeth that made her look younger than she was, ears that stuck out, and short cropped darfk brown, almost black, hair. She was tall and lanky, but not the long legs' guys usually looked for. Natalie felt her blond curls, and looked at her face in her mirrior she had in her purse. Passable, she thought.But if I think this is passable, and she's definitely not, why is she so popular? The question whirled around in her head until the bell rang for lunch, breaking up her reverie.
    Eating her lunch at her regular table, Natalie talked with her friends, the question forgotten for the moment. That is, until peals of laughter rose above the chatter of her table. Everyone stopped eating and turned to see what it was about. In the middle of the lunchroom was Lydia, twirling around in a spin/waltz pattern with a friend that was far from graceful. Every eye was glued to the pair, but they spun on. Natalie closed her eyes in envy, wishing she could have as much fun doing something without feeling self-conscious or guilty. However, not being able to do that, she resorted to gossip. "I can't believe they're doing that there!" she whispered, jerking her thumb toward them. "Dont' they know this is a lunchroom, not a ballroom?"
    "Seriously. Don't they know everyone is watching them?" Agreed one of her friends. All of Natalie's friends held the same opinion as her, so they giggled at Natalie's statement. One chimed in,
    "She'll never hear the end of it!"
    Stopping for a moment to catch her breath, Lydia glanced just in time to see Natalie jerk her thumb and hear the giggles. She rolled her eyes and started spinning again, a silent statement saying that the teasing didn't shake her. Nothing like that really matters, she reminded herself as self-conciousness snuck in. In rebellion, she spun faster and laughed louder. It's never affected me before. Why should I care what one table thinks?
    End of the day:
    As the mob gathered in the school hallways, Natalie noticed that Lydia was in a hurry to get to her locker. It's finally getting to her, she thought with grim satisfaction. Unfortunately for her, the reason was far from that. Almost as soon as classes stopped, Lydia was mobbed with people. Amazingly, Lydia was able to be packed and ready to leave by the time they had swarmed around her. Scowling, Natalie walked out of the school, so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn't notice the bar from the gaurd rail in front of her foot. She tripped and went flying down the seemingly long flights of stairs. Finally landing at the bottom, she attempted to get up. She grimaced and fell back down, pain shooting through her leg. The spasm of pain forced her to notice her throbbing head. She lifted her hand to it, bringing down a hand covered in blood.
    Lydia had just reached the stairsto the outside of the school in time to see Natalie's fall, wincing as she banged her head on the pointed banister of the gaurd rail. Perfect, she thought as she raced down the stairs, followed by her stunned crowd. Kneeling down beside her, Lydia pointed to one of her followers, who was staring dumbly. "You," she said, singling the girl out as she pulled out her cell phone. "Go get the school nurse, and i'll call 911."
    Natalie stared up at Lydia as she realized what was happening.Helping me? she questioned herself. How can she be nice when she knows I'm so mean to her? Hate filled her as she dimly heard Lydia say "Hello? I'm calling in for an ambluence, somebody fell down the stairs and..." the voice canceled out as Natalie passed out.