• Alright, I guess I wasn't alone on the train. I've finally met up with two remaining allies, Baruch van Austins and Soren Whisperwind. Now, we have an idea of trying to warn our other fellow warriors about the burning undead legions trying to take over the Gaian world with the help of other animated forces. But as the three of us are exiting the subway, we've suddenly find the other city obliterated in flames. Sounds like there was a recent invasion around here after all. I guess that means Baruch, Soren, and myself are going to take measures into our own hands.

    [upon exiting, we see that the city is in flames]

    Me: What the hell? The animated forces have recently overran this city.

    Soren Whisperwind: Stay on your toes, David, there could be a few enemies guarding this whole city as well as few survivors hiding in random places.

    Baruch van Austins: Do you think the undead was here recently?

    Soren Whisperwind: I doubt it. But let's stick together and search the perimeter of this abandoned town. [points west] There, we should head to THAT direction!

    [the three of us are heading west to investigate for any survivors]

    Me: There's so much destruction... I can almost feel it.

    Baruch van Austins: I sense it everywhere. Something tells me that the undead WAS here after all.

    Soren Whisperwind: Well, you'll never know, Baruch. [spots a church] Hey, that church is still standing, isn't it?

    Me: What church?

    Soren Whisperwind: [points to last-standing church]

    Baruch van Austins: I bet someone's inside. [he rushes at the church]

    Soren Whisperwind: Wait, Baruch, stop!

    [me and Soren try to catch up to Baruch]

    Baruch van Austins: [tries to open the doors, but it's still bolted shut] Damn, it's shut real good. I wonder if anyone's inside?

    Soren Whisperwind: Baruch! Baruch!

    Baruch van Austins: [turns around to see both of us catching up to him]

    Soren Whisperwind: [finally catching up to Baruch and so did I] Honestly, Baruch, you shouldn't assume a survivor or two is hiding in the church. Who knows if it's a booby trap? We could probably be ambushed and ripped to shreds!

    Me: Or we'd probably be turned into undead slaves!

    Baruch van Austins: Well, we have to take SOME chance that there are a few lone survivors in here.

    Soren Whisperwind: I'd stay alert if I were you. Stand back, please.

    [Baruch van Austins stands back as Soren uses Bump at RR4 to try and bash the doors open. It almost worked, however]

    Me: It almost opened. That leaves enough strength to have three strong men like us to push it open together.

    Baruch van Austins: I'm way ahead of you, Dave! smile

    Soren Whisperwind: Alright... push!

    [it takes us nearly a couple of minutes to finally push the church doors open. Now, we're finally inside as Soren closes the doors, lest any enemies try to follow and kill us]

    (End of Chapter 1, Part 2)