• I plucked once more at the out-of-tune d string on my bass. "Damn," I muttered as I listened for tuning. "Hey," I turned to Aoi, who was still humming to music in his ears. He immediately shot up.
    "Where the hell is your tuner?"
    He glared at me. "With you it always has to be about that thing," He eyed my bass.
    Uruha, who was lazily slouched on the couch, reading a magazine, spat a little. "And what does that mean? Your not completely in love with your belly button? I mean, hell, you got it pierced. Only a true man does," He emphasized 'true', waving a hand in the air.
    We all sang a laughter, humoring at Aoi's now red cheeks. He glared, turning and going back to his music.
    "He's jealous," Uruha loudly whispered.
    I rolled my eyes and put down my bass, standing, overlooking the band. Kai, the drummer, was in the corner, brushing his black spikey hair with his fingers and reading some vampire book. ...Midnight, was it? eh. Aoi was blazed, both half drunk meaning and angry, his back to me, listening to his zune. Who has those? Uruha still flipped through his magazine, smiling at some stuff and air-laughing at others. I looked for Ruki, our singer. Where was he? This hotel was huge; if he wasn't in the room he was probably outside or else he'd get lost.
    I found him on the patio, looking out to the Tokyo ocean. He sucked on a cigarette and puffed smoke, sighing. I slowly crept to him, then poked his neck.
    "Ahh!" He yelped, jumping and dropping the smoke. He cursed loudly and glared at me. "Rei!"
    "Ruki!" I mimicked, closing the patio door and blinds so the others couldn't see or hear. "Jeez, I was just playin'." I leaned over, pecking his cheek. "Next one's on me," I pulled out two cigarettes, handing him one. "Lighter?"
    He turned, lighting his in his mouth and handing me the lighter. "I hope I didn't light any hobos on fire this time." He leaned over the railing.
    "This time?" I smiled, putting the cigarette in my mouth and lighting it quickly, shoving the lighter in my pocket. Ruki sighed and looked into the sky.
    "Rei, Remember when I was in the hospital?" He puffed some smoke and held the cigarette out of his mouth. "Like, a month ago? And I said I was dreaming about my dead cousin telling me to run?"
    I kept my cigarette in my mouth as an excuse to not reply. Oh great, hes losing it.
    "Well, I think it wasn't a dream." He sucked in another deep smoky breath and puffed it out. "I think I see and hear things, Rei."
    I really had to take the smoke out now. I did, sighing, and looking down at the seven-stories or so below us I replied; "Ruki, your still sick. I think we should postpone our tour, and you should go back home and get some rest and-"
    Ruki turned, standing on his toes, grabbing my shoulders. He was trying to be as tall as me. Ha. "Reita, it's bad. I'm not kidding. Ever since that day I was in, I have been hearing things to tell me to run. Of anybody, I thought I could trust you because I loev you. I'm not crazy."
    I took one of his hands and sighed again, deeper. "Ruki, listen, I know-"
    "No, you don't, It's not like-"
    "Ruki, listen to me, I'm-"
    "Not until you believe me!"
    "Takanoi Matsumoto!"
    He froze, staring at me in mixed emotions. I always knew he hated that name but what else to do to get him to listen? His ever-so-hated parents gave him that name, and he wants to change it to Ruki, and when he gets married to leave Matsumoto behind. Take his Wife's name. Or mine, maybe?
    I laughed a little inside.
    He pulled his hand back. "Screw you," He spat, tears in his eyes. His perfect, hazel eyes...
    The perfect time to get hard. Way to go, Reita.
    To avoid him noticing somehow, I wrapped my jacket around my waist, leaving my arms bare and freezing. It was worth it. I tried to grab his hand back. "Ruki, i-"
    "Screw it. And you," He growled, turning and storming inside to his room.
    I leaned against the fence thing on the patio and sighed, dropping my cigarette and opening the door inside.

    I gently knocked on the door. No response. I heard hard breathing and muffled voices, but in one tone. It was just him. I jiggled the doorknob.
    "Ruki-desu," I said in a slighly angry tone. "Dont make me break in."
    No response.
    I pulled a hair clip out of my hair (I have long hair!) and opened it, sticking it in the lock until it clicked. I heard ruki jump up and run into the door, holding it closed.
    "Let me in." I growled, pushing the door.
    "No!" He spat like a child.
    Stronger than him, I burst the door open. He falls behind it, and I walk in, closing and locking the door.
    I lean on the door, smile, and hold a hand to him. "So, what? Theres visions?"
    Ruki's face was abused; tears, fear and sorrow. "What?"
    "Let's hear it." I smiled wider, trying to hide the disbelief.
    Ruki smiled a little, warm and finally at home.

    ~Explicit content lol. If your a yaoi fan, there's more to part one. Go to http://gazette-love-r3ita.deviantart.com/art/The-last-moment-reituki-ff-1-168130784 or http://quizilla.teennick.com/stories/16840318/the-last-moment-jrock-ff-1 ;3