tab This was only his daily work for many a year. Slaving over the glowing hot coals, to melt down the metal to a workable state and craft into an extravagant master piece. How could the maker of these swords know their fate?
tab tab tab The only three that are very different to each other, yet are all the same.
tab In fact it was not he wanted them made but the three nations did, for peace between alliances. As the years passed the nations had begun to fight for power. Sending out their armies with the best swordsman, using one of their three swords to claim victory.
tab But as time passed the wars progressed, the swords became insignificant to them. Eventually the swords were lost in battles and never to be seen again. Scavengers searched the death fields of battles gone by, to only find nothing of value. Save for one person, did find two swords. He kept them secret, as the two still looked knew as the first day they had been sold.
tab This man new he would have to wait for the right people to come and claim worthiness, to use such swords. But who would come to use these, for the pervious owners had bore-bloodshed on them.
tab tab tab Who would come and use them to change the fate of the entire world.

- Title: The Three Swords of Destiny
- Artist: Bells_44
Intro to a story I'm working on. About a world that has gone into war for over a number of centuries. Only the resistance has a select few who may be able to change the fate of the world.
This is only a taste of whats in store for the rest of the story as this is only an 'intro/prologue' into The Three Swords of Destiny.
- Date: 06/01/2010
- Tags: swords battle power destiny
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Comments (2 Comments)
- Juniper Glitz - 02/01/2012
Plot is interesting, story is good, description is purr-fect.
I say, you got mad skillz (: - Report As Spam